Yes to Children Parent Ambassadors: Lisa Hoberg and Brian Hummell
Did you know? In 2012, AZ ranked 51st in per K-12 student spending ($6,683) per year (avg = $10,834) AZ Ranks DEAD LAST behind all other 49 states and the District of Colombia Neighboring states CO, NM, and NV spend b/w $8,247 & $10,203 per student AZ’s per CAPITA spending on K-12 public education Ranks 50th out of 51 What is scary is that these figures ASSUME that the Override is APPROVED… This is WELL Beyond “Fixing School District Inefficiencies…” THIS IS A FUNDING ISSUE! **All Statistics are extracted from the National Education Association’s “Rankings of the States 2012 and Estimates of School Statistics”
What is an M&O Override? Opportunity to vote on Nov 5 th to restore school district funding for our schools Most AZ school districts get money from state, federal and local 50/55 AZ districts rely on override funding STATESTATE FEDERALFEDERAL LOCALLOCAL Local = Override Money (money we have relied on since 1989 as part of the budget)
What Does the Override Pay For? 179 existing teacher positions 72 new teacher positions Full day kindergarten Art, Music & PE Enhanced technology in classrooms Registered nurse staffing Restored competitive compensation for teachers Restored Assistant Principal positions 100% of these funds go directly to SUSD and into these programs!
What is at Risk if the Override Doesn’t Pass? 179 existing teacher positions 72 new teacher positions Full day kindergarten Art, Music & PE Enhanced technology in classrooms Registered nurse staffing Restored competitive compensation for teachers Restored Assistant Principal positions GONE!!
We seem ok this year, what will happen next year? We lose 4.3M annually from budget over the next couple of years The affects of the cuts will go deeper…for years to come! STATESTATE FEDERALFEDERAL LOCALLOCAL Local = Override Money (money we have relied on since 1989 as part of the budget) X
What Will The Override Cost Me? Seeking to continue/renew overrides that have been in place since 1989 and 1997 This is not a “new tax.” Average Assessed property value of a home in Scottsdale is $320,620 Based on the average home this will cost … $7 A MONTH!!!
What are we asking you to do? VOTE!!! – Voter registration forms are available in the school’s office and online. – Sign up for early voting and vote from home! Donate to Yes to Children Volunteer – Volunteers will be needed to make calls, distribute flyers and post signs.
Questions? Attend one of the following… SUSD M&O Roadshow - September 17, 6-8 pm Chaparral High School 6935 E. Gold Dust Avenue Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale Parent Council – September 25, 9:30 am Mojave District Annex 8505 E. Valley View Road (Hayden and McDonald) Scottsdale, AZ 85250
We can do this….if we work together! Thank you!