School Budgets WJCC School Budget Spending ($1,000s) FY2014 FY2013 Operating Budget$ 115,877$ 112, % Grants 4,993 5, % Food Service 3,939 3, % State Operations 1, % Recurring $ 125,717 $ 122, % Capital Budget 2,276 17, % $ 128,093$ 140,201
School Budgets WJCC Budget Revenue ($1,000s) FY2014 FY2013 County$ 81,404$ 92, % State 29,335 29, % City 8,586 9, % Federal 5,598 5, % Other 3,160 3, % $ 128,093$ 140,201 Recurring revenue County $ 79,355$ 76, % City 8,369 7, %
School Operating Budget WJCC Operating Budget Revenue ($1,000s) % of Total FY2014 FY2013 County $ 79,355$ 76, % City 7.2 8,369 7, % Local 75.7 $ 87,724 $ 84, % State ,461 27, % Federal % Other % $ 115,877$ 112, %
School Operating Budget Oversight: State – heavily regulates public education – SOQ, SOL, SOA, teacher certifications, staffing, building, equipment requirements State funding – less than 24% of the total operating budget – none of the capital budget Localities restricted to appropriations to six major categories – cannot exercise any line item control within school budgets State has decided that, for purposes of paying reasonable salaries, benefits and retirement – school employees, including teachers, are local employees
School Operating Budget Enrollment Current year estimate was 10,992 K-12 students; actual Sept 2013 enrollment was 10,998 – 250 more than Sept increase from County neighborhoods Enrollment growth over past 5 years has been flat in the County, until the current year - when the County K-12 enrollment surged. Projected WJCC enrollment in FY2015 is 11,207 – an increase of 209 students, with 459 new students added in two years (FY2014 and FY2015) – 459 students exceeds the current enrollment at DJ Montague ES Future enrollment projections show growth at approximately 200 students a year, FY2018 shows an estimated 11,814 K-12 students, a five-year increase of 1,066 students
School Operating Budget One possibility for FY FY2015 will see a significant increase in the contribution to the teachers’ VRS program – separately controlled and administered by the State, WJCC increase is estimated at $2.0 million - Other benefit costs, including health insurance, continuing the transition to an employee- paid VRS share of 5% and VRS for non-teaching employees will also increase School spending as will replacement buses and/or technology upgrades - Challenges of both the existing and projected enrollment increases, in additional staff, equipment and classrooms, and any program improvements could also add to total spending.
School Operating Budget WJCC Operating Budget Revenue ($1,000s) IF the County provides 50% of the natural revenue growth in its General Fund, approximately $1 million, then the total Operating Budget for the WJCC Schools could increase by approximately $4.7 million. Since other funding is “fixed”, any funding above that shown below would come exclusively from local revenue. HYPOTHETICAL % of Total FY2015 FY2014 County 66.8 $ 80,355 $ 79, % City 7.2 8,612 8, % Local 74.0 $ 88,967 $ 87, % State ,961 27, % Federal % Other % $ 120,620$ 115, %
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