David K. Mineta Deputy Director, Office of Demand Reduction Office of National Drug Control Policy A Drug Policy for the 21 st Century Florida Prevention Summit August 4, 2015
Component of the Executive Office of the President Coordinates drug-control activities and related funding across the Federal Government Produces the annual National Drug Control Strategy Office of National Drug Control Policy
Prevention Each dollar invested in a proven school-based prevention program can reduce social costs, including those related to substance use, by an average of $18. 1 Each dollar invested in a proven school-based prevention program can reduce social costs, including those related to substance use, by an average of $18. 1 Drug prevention happens Drug prevention happens on the local level. on the local level. Prevention must be comprehensive: Prevention must be comprehensive: – evidence-based interventions in multiple settings multiple settings – tested public education campaigns – sound public policies 1 Miller, T. and Hendrie, D. Substance Abuse Prevention Dollars and Cents: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2008.
Examples of Risk and Protective Factors Risk Factors Early Aggressive Behavior Poor Social Skills Lack of Parental Supervision Substance Use Drug Availability Poverty Domain Individual Family Peer School Community Protective Factors Self-Control Positive Relationships Parental Monitoring & Support Academic Competence Anti-Drug Use Policies Strong Neighborhood Attachment Reduce these Elevate these Effective Prevention Programs Source: Preventing Drug Use: A Research-Based Guide, NIDA, 2 nd Ed, 1997
9/2014 Source: SAMHSA, 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (September 2014). Escalation of Drug Use During The Teen Years
Most Prevalent Drugs Used in the Past Year Source: University of Michigan, Monitoring the Future, th Graders12 th Graders
12 th Graders’ Past Year Marijuana Use vs. Perceived Risk of Occasional Marijuana Use 12 th Graders’ Past Year Marijuana Use vs. Perceived Risk of Occasional Marijuana Use Perceived risk is significantly lower from 2013 to Source: University of Michigan, 2014 Monitoring the Future study (December 2014). 12/2014
Non-users used 1 Dx used 2 Dx used 3 Dx Average Point Difference in IQ score (IQ at age 13 – IQ at age 38) Persistent Marijuana Users Show a Significant IQ Drop Between Childhood and Midlife Source: Meier MH et al., PNAS Early Edition 2012 Followed 1,037 individuals from birth to age 38. Tested marijuana use at ages 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38. Tested for IQ at ages 13 and 38. [Compton, W. (2014, June 10). Drug Abuse/Addiction Prevention: Good for Educational Outcomes? Academic Achievement Forum.]
Students with an average grade of ‘D’* or lower are more likely to be substance users compared to students whose grade average is better than ‘D’ Percent Reporting Use in the Past Month *Average Grade for Last Completed Grading Period **Binge Use of Alcohol is drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past 30 days. Persons Aged 12 to 17 Who Were Enrolled in the Past Year, 2013 Source: SAMHSA, 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Detailed Tables. (September 2014).
School Climate Index and School Performance From: CalS3 Factsheet #3 ( Voight, A., Austin, G., and Hanson, T. (2013). A climate for academic success: How school climate distinguishes schools that are beating the achievement odds (Report Summary). San Francisco: WestEd.
Skipping Class Less Studying Hours Decreased Motivation Poor Quality/Less Sleep Cognitive Problems Declining GPA Dropping Classes Lost Opportunities (internships, work, special studies) Delayed Graduation Failure to Graduate Attenuation of Goals Lack of Readiness for Employment Underemployment Short-term Manifestations Long-term Outcomes Intermediary Processes Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Association between Substance Use, Mental Health, and Student Outcomes Arria, A. M., Caldeira, K. M., Bugbee, B. A., Vincent, K. B., & O’Grady, K. E. (2013). The academic opportunity costs of substance use during college. College Park, MD, Center on Young Adult Health and Development.
Drug-Free Communities Support Program
Goals of the Program: To establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, nonprofit agencies, and Federal, State, local and tribal governments to prevent and reduce substance use among youth To reduce substance use among youth by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse
Theory of the DFC Program: Federal funding combined with a local match of resources and volunteer support can reduce youth drug use Grantees receive $125,000/year in 5-year cycles Maximum of 10 years DFC Program funded at $92 million for FY 2014 Mobilize community leaders to identify and respond to the drug problems unique to their community, DFC is designed to change the entire community environment Focus on environmental change contributes to reductions in substance use
Federal Drug Budget Trends
Total Drug Control Spending Demand Reduction Spending NOTE: The years denoted are fiscal years (FY); FY 2015 information represents enacted Budget authority, and FY 2016 information represents Budget authority requested by the President. Historical Federal Drug Control Spending ($B)
The President’s FY 2016 Budget includes: $68.0 million to expand the CDC’s Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention program to all 50 U.S. States and to strengthen and evaluate state-level prescription drug overdose prevention. $68.0 million to expand the CDC’s Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention program to all 50 U.S. States and to strengthen and evaluate state-level prescription drug overdose prevention. $25.1 million to expand SAMHSA’s Medication-Assisted Treatment for Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction program. $25.1 million to expand SAMHSA’s Medication-Assisted Treatment for Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction program. $12.0 million for SAMHSA grants to help states purchase naloxone, equip first responders in high-risk communities, and support education on the use of naloxone and other overdose death prevention strategies. $12.0 million for SAMHSA grants to help states purchase naloxone, equip first responders in high-risk communities, and support education on the use of naloxone and other overdose death prevention strategies. $10.0 million for SAMHSA’s new Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs program to target Rx drug abuse and misuse. $10.0 million for SAMHSA’s new Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs program to target Rx drug abuse and misuse. $5.6 million for the CDC to address the rising rate of heroin-related overdose deaths by working to collect near real-time emergency department data and higher quality and timely mortality data by rapidly integrating death certificate and toxicology information. $5.6 million for the CDC to address the rising rate of heroin-related overdose deaths by working to collect near real-time emergency department data and higher quality and timely mortality data by rapidly integrating death certificate and toxicology information. Drug Policy Funding Priorities
What Does All This Mean? Working Together, We CAN Change the Course! Change the Course!
Resources State and Local Information Find statistics on drug use in your area and grantees near you who are working to prevent substance use and its consequences Drug-Free Communities Support Program Drug Enforcement Administration National Institute on Drug Abuse
Resources Infographic: Marijuana Use & Educational Outcomes statistics/infographics/marijuana-use-educational-outcomes Infographic: Monitoring the Future 2014 Survey Results statistics/infographics/monitoring-future-2014-survey-results Infographic: Underage Drinking can Detour Academic Success ‘A Climate on Academic Success’