Student 1-to-1 Netbook Program Care and Use of Computers
Central New Brunswick Academy How did we get here?
Connections for Learning
Use… …only with permission and under supervision of your teacher…
Netbooks… …are yours for learning - your name will be placed on the back of it… you are responsible for it - you must take care of it and ensure it remains in good condition
Username / Login unique to you - all activity on any computer you are logged in to is traceable make sure you log out - or others may use the computer and you may be held responsible
Passwords unique to you - cannot be changed (8 characters - letters/numbers/symbols) do not share - others can access your files or act inappropriately
Use History… activity is traceable - all websites visited and other activity is recorded, even at home files recoverable - even if you erase files they can be recovered by technicians
Policies & Procedures
Policy 311 defines standards - appropriate use of technology applies to everyone - students, teachers and administrators
Policy 311 what is appropriate? - use is for learning what is covered - Internet, , networks
Data and Access do not alter data that is not yours - hands off others work access - use proper accounts to login to network; no hacking
Downloading software / music - may contain malware - do not download from P2P sharing sites do not add programs - may cause harm to computer or network if you need program - your teacher can ask technician to install
student account - will be issued, access only with teacher permission / direction other - access to web-based (e.g. hotmail) is not permitted
SPAM - no mass ing (e.g. chain letters, etc.) access - not during class (except with teacher permission)
Chat unprotected chat sites - not appropriate for school IM - not for use in school
Social Networking no access from school - (e.g. piczo, my space, facebook) use for learning? - look for other alternatives (eg. Edmodo)
Storage video / music / other large files - there is limited storage space; keep only files useful for learning games - do not load on netbook or school computers
Personal Information safety is key - keep personal information private keep others safe too - do not share pictures or information about others on public sites
Inappropriate material do not create, store or share - obscene, pornographic, racist, hate mistakes happen - tell teacher if you accidentally access non-school material (protects you)
Bullying… it’s simply about respect
all property has an owner - (e.g. cars, buildings, land, hockey equipment, etc.) intellectual (digital) property - all pictures, video, websites, text, files and other digital content also has an owner
Copyright pictures / video - must have permission to use creative commons license - some sites allow content creators to give permission for use
Copyright text / ideas - must reference; paraphrase no copy and paste
Copyright software, music - owned by creators no burning music or copying games
Care and Use
Netbooks labels - name on back only; no stickers cleaning - screens and casing using soft, damp cloth - no cleaning solutions except special ones made for computers
Netbooks do not lie screen flat do not open casing / remove parts
Netbooks use on desks only - stable support; not the floor; hallways / traffic areas are very dusty plug-in at night – bring to school chanrged, should last whole day
Bags transport – netbooks must be in protective bags/sleeves before leaving classroom limit contents – netbooks and chargers only; no books or other items
Tech support… my computer doesn’t work - tell your teacher, use a spare (if available) until yours is returned if damage is intentional - we will talk to you, parent; you may be responsible for repairs
Acceptable Use Policy
Computer Use Agreement must be signed by all students - you agree to follow acceptable use policies your parents sign too - they must agree to support school in guiding your use of technology