BACKGROUND: DAC has had a long relationship with the South African Roadies Association (SARA) from as early as 1997 when the Department was under the Department of Arts, Culture Science and Technology (DACST). In the period the Department has invested R4,898, in supporting SARA ‘s activities. SARA is an association of technicians which provides Technical Production for the Live Events industries,mainly music concerts and theatre shows which is a part of a bigger industry-known as the Events and Technical Services sector. The Departments interventions in the Events and Technical Services sector demonstrate a great potential for job creation, and SARA as one of the key role players with potential. 1
WHY DOES DAC SUPPORT THE SOUTH AFRICAN ROADIES ASSOCIATION (SARA) The Department recognises SARA as one of the key stakeholders in the Events and Technical Services that needs support to grow Youth oriented skills in the industry. SARA is positioned as an organisation which has tasked itself in Empowering the Youth and especially young women. SARA has a potential as a key role player in the skills and training terrain of the Events and Techincal Services industry, and thus requires strategic support from government and other agencies. 2
SPECIFIC SUPPORT TO SOUTH AFRICAN ROADIES ASSOCIATION (SARA): The funds allocated to SARA have in the main focused to provide support on the following: Training & International Exchange Holland Norway Denmark Participation of SARAat International EXPOS PLASA SHOW PROLIGHT SOUND MESSE ROSKILDE FESTIVAL Administration and Operational requirements 3
AN OUTLINE OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT PROVIDED BY THE DAC TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN ROADIES ASSOCIATION (SARA) IN THE PERIOD YEARPURPOSEAMOUNT months Technical Training W/A[SO-Irish Government. R75, (DACST) 1998Emergency Admin Funding for SARA R25, (DACST) 1999 Local costs for two weeks Lighting Course R9 050,00 (DACST) X Return Tickets for on the job training in Holland R22, (DACST) Local costs for Irish trainers-Irish Government training programme for Technical Production R35, (DACST) 2001 Technical Training and International exchange programme (Denmark, Holland, Norway) R150, (DACST) Local costs for Keith Donald APSO Irish Government Music Business Course R20, (DAC) 4
AN OUTLINE OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT CONT. YEARPURPOSEAMOUNT 2002SARA AdministrationR (DAC) 2003SARA Administration R200, (DAC) 4 x Return tickets for on the job training in Holland R30, (DAC) x Return Tickets for on the job training in Denmark R45, (DAC) SARA Administration R250, (DAC) 2006 SARA Emergency funding for 3 months R178, (DAC) Administration R500, (DAC) Administration-Phase 1 R500, (DAC) Prolight Sound Messe 2008 (Former Deputy Minister Discretionary) R25, (DAC) PLASA SHOW 2008 R29, (DAC) Administration-Phase 2 R500, (DAC) 5
AN OUTLINE OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT CONT. YEARPURPOSEAMOUNT Prolight Sound Messe 2009 (DG’S Discretion) R43, (DAC) ROSKILDE FESTIVAL 2009 (DG’s Discretion) R64, (DAC) PLASA SHOW 2009 R118, (DAC) Several Project (International Interactions) R1, 000, International InteractionsR850, Hove FestivalR80, TOTALR4,989,
ACHIVEMENTS & OUTPUTS MADE THROUGH THE RELATIONSHIP: All signed funding agreements between SARA and the Department in the financial year have been paid in full. SARA has been able to sustain its operations which enables them to participate competitively in the sector. However there is room for improvement. SARA has been able to market itself and participate at key international platforms. SARA has become visible and attractive to interest of similar companies and organisations internationally. SARA has been able to develop potential partners which are interested in supporting skills development,business, partnerships, international training and exchange programmes 7
FEED BACK ON PUBLIC PROTECTOR INTERVENTIONS: Settlement Agreement made at the Public Protector seating of the 17/02/ SARA undertakes to submit the Report and audited statements to the Department by Friday 24 February The Department undertakes to consider the reports and shall pay the 10% owed to SARA within 30 days after accepting the report. A letter confirming acceptance of the report shall be sent to SARA. 3. Parties shall continue to engage each other regarding future funding hence forth and that all communication from SARA should be directed to Mr. Glenn Masokoane.(Director Cultural Development). 4. All other issues relevant to funding and affairs of SARA shall be addressed to the Department through Mr. Masokoane as indicated above. 5. The Department shall respond to a proposal made by SARA requesting assistance for renovation of SARA building. 6. The Public Protector shall monitor the implementation of this agreement. 7. Parties agreed that old issues shall not be raised and all parties shall endeavor to start on a clean slate on all matters relating to funding and the relationship. 8
What has been achieved since the Public Protector seating of the 17/02/2012: Items 1 and 2 of the settlement agreement were achieved The Department has made considerations on two of SARA’s current proposal requests: Proposal 1: Towards Administration and International Relation. The total funding requested is R2,717, Proposal 2: Towards funding to support SARA to send 4 of its youth to travel to Norway to participate in on the job training at the HOIVE Festival 2012 from 22 nd June 2012 to 2 nd July 2012.The total amount requested is R84, An amount of R1, 000, has been set aside towards the proposals submitted by SARA. 9