India Country Profile
BBC News: IndiaIndia “The world’s largest democracy and second most populous country has emerged as a major power after a period of foreign rule and several decades during which its economy was virtually closed.” –BBC Nehru dreamed of socialist society –After independence aligned with USSR –$ a burden to state 1984: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassinated –This day in historyThis day in history Late 80’s, India began to open up to the outside world, encouraging economic reform and foreign investment
@ a glance. The Republic of India –World’s largest democracy –World’s 2nd largest population PM Manmohan Singh –May 2004 –Previously India’s finance minister (early 90’s) –Policies: New deal (rural India) elimination of poverty Reduce gap between the rich and poor Non-proliferation (“dismantling India’s nukes); potentially ease tensions with Pakistan Economic reforms: Encourage investment in Indian business (Western business/ USA/ China) Outsourcing/ participation in the global economy… Legislative branch: –Bicameral sansad Council of States: 250 members People’s assembly: 545 members Challenges today: –Caste system and the stigma surrounding –Poverty/ divide between rich and poor –Relations with Pakistan (and other neighboring/foreign countries) Jammu/ Kashmir Non-proliferation agreement for Nukes, Proceed peacefully with Pakistan –Religious tensions
USACHINAINDIA Population313,847,465 (July 2012 est.)1,343,239,923 (July 2012 est.)1,205,073,612 (July 2012 est.) GDP per capita$48,300 (2011 est.)$8,400 (2011 est.)$3,700 (2011 est.) GDP PPP$14.83 trillion (2011 est.)$11.3 trillion (2011 est.)$4.421 trillion (2011 est.) GDP growth rate1.8% (2011 est.)9.2% (2011 est.)6.8% (2011 est.) Population Below the Poverty Line (As set by individual countries) 15.1% (2010 est.)13.4%29.8% (2010 est.)