IEEE Executive Director Address James Prendergast Region 10 Meeting 19 August 2011
Employee Facts, Figures (as of 31 July) Budgeted FTE Executive Office 2 Information Technology 103 Human Resources 17 Educational Activities21 IEEE USA21 Publications190 Standards Activities65 Finance & Admin117 Marketing, Sales & Prod. Design82 Technical Act. & Societies276 Member & Geo. Activities82 Corporate Activities62 ISTO11 TOTAL:1047 2
2011 Financial Updates Forecast –Overall net forecast (including spending rule): surplus of ~$5.3M; favorable to budget by $4.6M –Operations surplus of $4.4M favorable to Operations budget by $.1M Investments – Investment returns (including portion covering spending rule): negative 3.54% through 12 August 3
Revenue Drivers* (000s omitted) *Revenues not inclusive of investment returns 4
Membership Stats – July 2011 IEEE Membership: –Total Membership: 379,266 Total + 2.1% YoY … +7,759 members Higher Grade +1.4% YoY … +3,945 members eMembership: 16,772 though 30 July New Members: 5,980 Reinstatements: 1,489 Renewals: 9,303 Undergraduate + 5.2% … +2,679 members Graduate Students + 3.1% … +1,135 members Society Membership – Total 322, % YoY … +2,464 members 5
Key IEEE Product Sales Trends B in $ millions earned sales / 230% growth in 10 years $180.6 $78.5 Source: IEEE Sales & Marketing
Total Number of IEEE Conferences (* 2011 Prelim. as of 31July2011)
Key Milestones 8
Interactive Content Project (ICP) Is Underway Program management in place –Executive Steering Committee formed with content and financial stakeholders –Steering team meeting every 2 weeks Project on track to deliver subset of journals in interactive format by end of 2011/start of 2012 –Tagging specification (DTD) for Journals completed July –Journals User Interface completed for IEEE Xplore –Conversion of current files to start in September 9
ICX Program Roadmap 2010 Jun Phase 1: Stabilize the conference business* Conference Initiation Conference Publications MOU Management Project Preparation Oct 2012 Phase 2: Streamline and optimize back-end operations Focus on migrating remaining conference systems inter-departmental information feeds and reports onto ICX until Conference Database can be retired (date TBD) Jan Phase 3: Enable new services to organizers and OUs Event Planning, Event Management and Technical Program Management tools and services as well as Service Provider B2B integration capabilities JanSept *Phase 1 dates indicate planned hand-off of user- certified code to Corporate IT department for pre- production testing Oct 10
IEEE Region 10 Beijing Singapore Bangalore Japan 11
eMembership in R10 – July 2011 Total eMembers: 8,971 –Renewals: 4,764 41% of eligible R10 renewals taking e-Membership –Reinstatement: 702 65% of eligible R10 reinstates taking offer –New Members: 3,595 75% of eligible R10 new Members taking offer Top 5 R10 Countries for eMembership 1.India (4,752)4. Pakistan (199) 2.China (2,637)5. Indonesia (186) 3.Malaysia (671) 12
Xplore Usage (PDF Downloads) by Geo.– YTD Jul 2011 Source: NetInsight Reports 13
R10 Conferences High Growth Area for all levels of IEEE 20% of R10 Members affiliated with Societies/FOIs High Conference growth Wide Variation in norms, needs Opportunity exists for greater impact 14
Recent China Office Activities Signed journal distribution agreements with: –Tsinghua University Press –BIAI (Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information) Signed ABET-style program evaluation agreements with: –Southeast University –Beijing Jiaotong University Represented Standards Association at International Cooperation for Education about Standards (ICES) and CNIS Standard Education Workshop 15
Prof. Junfeng Zong, President of Tsinghua University Press, and IEEE President Moshe Kam shake hands after the contract signing. Looking on are Prof. Yunhao Liu, Associate Editor-in-Chief of the journal (left) and Prof. Michael Lightner, former IEEE President, and Ning Hua, Director of IEEE’s Beijing office (rear). 16
6 th Annual Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO) Summary Highlights –Highest Organizer attendance of any POCO 160 Conference Organizers –High Conference satisfaction rating 4.72 on a five point (high) scale –High recommendation to a colleague rating 4.78 on a five point (high) scale –Excellent content, strong messages about Quality –Excellent volunteer, key executive and China office support –Co-located Distinguished Lecturer’s Series –Coordinated with MGA China Sections Training Held in Beijing, PRC; July
Region 10 Standards News Korea: –Outreach sessions with KATS, TTA, KSAE –First Korean IEEE-SA entity project initiated –First working group meeting of first individual project initiated in Korea India: –Two new Standards projects proposed –Working with Universities to bring Standards into curricula China –Coordinating with State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) on standards focus of IEEE/SGCC Smart Grid World Forum –June 2012: IEEE-SA Standards Board meeting scheduled for Beijing, and associated meetings with key Chinese stakeholders 18
Continuing Education Updates Singapore –Working on initiatives to: Provide on-line education for military personnel Provide workforce training to industries Develop and deliver continuing education, training India –Agreement pending with Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Beta version of English for Technical Professionals online training available –Fee based program, launching in Q4 of
Employee Facts, Figures (as of 31 July) Budgeted FTE Executive Office 2 Information Technology 103 Human Resources 17 Educational Activities21 IEEE USA21 Publications190 Standards Activities65 Finance & Admin117 Marketing, Sales & Prod. Design82 Technical Act. & Societies276 Member & Geo. Activities82 Corporate Activities62 ISTO11 TOTAL:
IEEE’s Professional Core We empower people to discover, develop and deliver technology for YOU… We believe in collaboration and leveraging the power of one IEEE We strive for excellence in everything we do We align with global trends We aim for simplicity We focus for maximum impact 21