Mission Seventy, Good Samaritan, M&M, Lord’s Prayer Viewing Luke Chapter Ten & Eleven Prepared by: Soon Siak. May 2009
Topics covered... Multiplication 10 Mission of the Seventy 10 Movie time 5 Parable of the Good Samaritan 20 Benefiting from the Lord’s Prayer 15 The Lord’s prayer & Persistency 10 M&M 15
Multiplication Form as many words as you can within 5 minutes from these two words: GOOD SAMARITAN
Mission of the Seventy (10:1-24) Two by two (10:1) Two to bring the colt (14:29) Two to prepare Passover (22:8) Why not three or one? 3 – differences of opinion might have risen; 1- danger of depression or narrowness of ideas or self- glorification (Marshall pg99) Lambs in the midst of wolves (10:3) To a work full of danger Satan fall like lightning from heaven Power of Satan overthrown Note Jesus was very happy. Why?
Mission of the Seventy (10:1-24) Attempt to answer this: SPM 1998 (Section A) Jesus answered them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” 1. What had the seventy disciples said to Jesus that caused him to say this? 2. What did Jesus mean by these words? 3. What further authority did Jesus give to them?
Movie time (5 minutes) The Man The Good Samaritan (10:25-37) (track 0:00 - 1:58 disc 2) The Lord’s Prayer (11:1-13) (track 50:11-53:11 disc 1)
The Good Samaritan (10:25-37) What shall I do to inherit eternal life? (v.25) Same question by: 1. The young ruler (18:18) 2. Converts at Pentecost (Acts 2:37) 3. Jailer at Philippi (Acts 16:30) Who is my neighbour? 1. Not bounded by friendship, acquaintance, nationality but every one 2. A picture of salvation of man
A picture of salvation of man explained Certain man – human race Jerusalem, the Holy City – holiness Jericho, the accursed city – sin Was going – fall of man from holiness to sin Robbers – Satan and other enemies of souls Priests – Mosaic dispensation &Levite – Levitical Law; both unable to remove the burden of sin Samaritan – Jesus Bound up his wounds – the healing of divine love His own beast–He bare our sins in His own body on the cross. The inn – The Church Two pence – Provision made by Jesus for the spiritual life of the Church
Benefiting from the Lord’s Prayer We can pick up ten principles of prayer from just a few verses from the Lord’s teaching… (reference: Praying Like Jesus by Harvie Neatherlin
The Lord’s prayer (11:1 - 4) Need to be able to relate the prayer. – write down the prayer on your notebook. Note the other occasions He prayed (pg vii). SPM2009? Note the teachings about Prayer on page vii! SPM2009?
Parable of the Friend at Midnight (11:5-13) Similar to parable of the unjust judge (18:1-6) Explanation The effectiveness of earnest and persistency/importunity in prayer Note the gradations of persistency: Ask ->Seek -> Knock As an earthly father who willingly gives good things, we can trust the Heavenly Father to do even more! (Holy Spirit is the greatest of gifts).
Seek Ye First (Key:C) C G/B Am Em/G Seek ye first the kingdom of God F C Dm G7sus G7 And His righteousness, C G/B Am Em/G And all these things shall be added unto you, F C Dm7 G7 C Allelu, alleluia.
Seek Ye First (Key:C) C G/B Am Em/G Man shall not live by bread alone, F C Dm G7sus G7 But by every word C G/B Am Em/G That proceeds from the mouth of God, F C Dm7 G7 C Allelu, alleluia.
Seek Ye First (Key:C) C G/B Am Em/G Ask, and it shall be given unto you. F C Dm G7sus G7 Seek, and ye shall find. C G/B Am Em/G Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. F C Dm7 G7 C Allelu, alleluia. © 1972 Maranatha! Music Words and Music by Karen Lafferty
Mary & Martha (10:38-42) What say you on the question below? (10 minutes) SPM 1995 (Section A) (similar question in SPM2005) “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 1. Why did Martha say this? 2. What was Mary doing? 3. How did Jesus answer Martha?
Mary & Martha (10:38-42) Note the account. Happened in Bethany Martha is blamed not for her hospitable activity but for her distraction, fuss and interfering with Mary, whose loving attention to the words of Jesus. They remind us of the importance of balancing personal devotion with practical duties in serving God.
Reminder Reminder No lesson next week 17/05 (replacement on 31/05). 13 th SPM National Bible Knowledge Quiz 2009 at interstate and interschool level on August 9 th, Luke & Acts (GNB). Get ready! Test on chapters 1-10 after your May/June holidays, on 21/06/09! A one and a half hours test. Answer all the questions on the book of Luke for Section A & B.