Information System of Small and Medium Enterprises of Moscow as a base of cooperation Department for Support and Development of Small Medium Enterprises, Moscow Government
In 2010 year supports approx. 80 sites and visited by more than unique users daily. All services of System for small and medium enterprises are free, information is publicly available. Information System of Small and Medium Enterprises of Moscow
Small Business of Moscow “Small Business of Moscow” Information Network provides exhaustive information on various issues of SME support, setting up and running a private business in Moscow.
Basic sections of the System’s Internet resources Business cooperation resources Information & consulting resources Online recruiting, testing and training resources Specialized resources Online Media
Business cooperation resources Investments, Business, Credits "Investment Support of Entrepreneurship" portal is an electronic exchange of investment projects. Its database contains more than investment/credit offers and requests from Russian companies.
Information & consulting resources Business Law "Business Law" portal contains the full list of legislative and other standard acts of Russia, standard legal acts of Moscow, the entrepreneurial legislation of Russia, reviews of court and arbitration practice. More than legal acts in its database.
Information & consulting resources Bookkeeping and Taxes "Bookkeeping and Taxes" resource contains documents determining bookkeeping and the order of audits at enterprises. Changes in the taxation of small business are covered, as well as the responsibility for tax offences. Here, services of the registration centers are presented; concepts and the accepted abbreviations are revealed, the tax calendar, programs and curriculums of professional skills improvement, last book novelties; addresses, phones of tax offices, the list of taxes and duties. There is a subscription, virtual consultation, exchange rates, "the converter of currencies". Conferences and seminars are announced, vacancies search is offered.
Online recruiting, testing and training resources Small Business Personnel Agency "Small Business Personnel Agency" is a resource dedicated to job issues in the realm of SMEs. It provides tools for vacancies search and publishing. More than vacancies and summaries in its database.
Online recruiting, testing and training resources Distant Business Education Network Distant Business Education Network is a joint project of NBP 'Alliance Media', 'LINK' International Management Institute. It allows free-of-charge entrepreneurs' training on-line. There are 104 modules and more than registered users from more than 80 countries around the world. 80 countries around the world.
Specialized resources Business and the Environment “Business and the Environment” web site provides information on environmental law in Moscow and Russia, environmental audits, licensing, posted Ecological maps of Moscow and analysis of environmental problems.
Online Media The Russian business Internet portal "Alliance Media" Business portal "Alliance Media" serves as a doorway to the all the resources of “Aliance Media” NBP. Portal has been set up for the purpose of Russian businessmen information support, for development of business partnership, for promotion of products and services and establishment of mechanisms for doing e-business. There are more than 120 publication in “Business News” daily.
Online Media 1 st Business TV Channel "1 st Business TV Channel" is a video web portal covering issues vital for businessmen. Here we have the latest news of small business, permanent access to the archive of TV reporting. A convenient search system and a "hot line" are at a user's disposal. Any businessman can become a protagonist of a reporting. Internet television during the 1st quarter of 2009 were produced and placed more than 930 original TV video. More than video in its database.
“Formation of transnational electronic information platforms with a view of an establishment of business cooperation between the small and medium enterprises of the member states of CICA” Project:
Business cooperation resources Business Offers "Business Offers" web site provides information on sale or purchase, offers of cooperation concerning a variety of products and services. More than offers in its database.
Business cooperation resources Business Offers from Counties CICA Azerbaijan422Kyrgyzstan351 Afghanistan2Mongolia28 Bahrain3Pakistan106 Egypt110Palestine- Israel709Russia India277Tajikistan184 Iran113Thailand81 Iraq6Turkey1498 Kazakhstan2708 Vietnam106 China4542United Arab Emirates112 Jordan7Uzbekistan1339 Republic of Korea17 On March 23, 2011
Business cooperation resources The new proposal: "Business Offers" english web site may provide information on sale or purchase, offers of cooperation concerning a variety of products and services between CME of countries.
Future development and support services Development of the system of production cooperation and subcontracting.
Information System of Small and Medium Enterprises of Moscow &