EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 1 Implementation Update of SCE’s LIEE & CARE Program Presentation to the LIOB January 26, 2010 San Jose, CA
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 3 LIEE Through December 2009 Measure Installations Water Heating798Refrigerators18,817 Envelope & Air Sealing2,357Lighting143,745 Heating60Cooling11,500 Activity Budget$55,742,000Homes Goal83,445 Expenditures$45,964,322Homes Treated62,624* Percent82.45%Percent75% Energy Savings & Demand Reduction kWh23,236,960kW6,292ThermsN/A * An additional 7,327 were treated in 2009 and are pending recording of expenses bringing the treated homes to 85% of target. An additional 16,147 homes are in the queue.
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 4 Other LIEE Figures 11.2 % of homes treated in 2009 included customers with disabilities 30 low-income customers participated in LIEE/CSI programs (SASH/MASH) 4.8% of the Homes Treated received LIEE services prior to 2002
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 5 Integration/Leveraging Efforts –CSD Leveraging Pilot –Summer Discount Plan (SDP) –Comprehensive Manufactured Home Program (CMHP) –Multi-Family Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) –Single Family Affordable Solar Housing (SASH) –Whole House Performance Program –CARE, Residential EE –Home Energy Efficiency Survey (HEES) –Partnerships
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 7 LIEE Outreach Direct Mail – Implemented at the suggestion of the LIOB, SCE will expand the use of targeted mailing that personalizes customer letters with CBO/contractor information Outbound Calling – This pilot targeted customers who, for any number of reasons, were cancelled during the enrollment process and reinstated those still interested Disability Organization Partnerships – Partnered with organizations working with persons with disabilities to promote and enroll into LIEE Bulk Work Allocation Tool – Implemented during 2009 SCE will continue to use this tool that allocates leads, installations and inspections to provide a “full days” work for contractor crews. This tool helps support the “Whole Neighborhood Approach” and reduces the carbon footprint of the program
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 8 LIEE 2010 Looking Ahead SCE Homes Treated Target –104,500 Results To-Date –9,884 Homes treated –10,924 Homes in Scheduling Queue –36 EMA Program Service Providers Marketing and Outreach –Quarterly Univision 34 A Su Lado telecast to promote the EMA/CARE –Direct Mail/Press Release – Mailed to 150K CARE customers –Targeting 8,500 Energy Assistance Fund customers from 2009 –Outbound Calls – Automated system will target 100K customers – Blast Campaign – Target 120K CARE customers on SCE’s “My Account”
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 9 Customer Outreach: Ethnic Media Media coverage regarding SCE customer assistance was driven by four announcements in 2009: March 11 – SCE reaches out to customers to help lower their bills July 9 – Thrill of the Chill: SCE offers “Refrigerator 101” tips (includes Energy Assistance Fund messaging) September 2 – SCE forgives bills for fire victims December 24 – SCE reaches out to customer to help lower their bills Customer assistance media accounted for over 58 full-page equivalents (FPEs) of earned media coverage from January 2009 through January 2010 based on 354 media clips Ethnic media accounted for 50% of the total clip volume SCE’s Economic Assistance Campaign in December 2009 and January 2010 generated 16.2 FPEs of earned media coverage based on 64 media clips.
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 10 Korean Daily KWRM AM 1370 Chinese Siam Media – Thai Taiwan Daily News – Chinese Korea Times Chinese Daily News Viet Bao Daily News Viet Herald Daily News Radio Seoul 1650 AM – Korean Daily Sports Seoul – Korean Daily Sports Seoul Online Epoch Times Online – Chinese Asian Journal – Filipino Balita Media – Filipino California Examiner – Filipino Viet Weekly – Vietnamese Korean Sunday News India Journal Online India West Javanan International Persian Pakistan Link Saigon Times – Vietnamese India Post Onine The Twon News – Korean Angkor Borei News - Cambodian Customer Outreach: Ethnic Media : “Southern California Edison Reaches Out to Help Customers With Their Bills” Hispanic Consumer Market La Opinion La opinion Online KMEX TV Univision 34 “A Su Lado” Telethon KPMR-TV Univision 38 El Clasificado El Clasificado Online African American Consumer Market Black Voice News Blackvoicenews.com Inland Valley News San Bernardino American Sbamerican.com
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 11 CARE Outreach Media Relations & External Stakeholders: Press releases issued to media and distributed to 600 CBOs, FBOs and non profit organizations to inform customers of our economic assistance programs IVR Messaging to CARE Customers: Communicating recertification and verification through IVR, ability to complete CARE recertification from IVR automated phone call, and combining IVR messaging with live out-bound calls to customers failing to respond to CARE certification requests Implementation of CARE Probability Model: resulting in over 30% of customers automatically being re-certified, and 40% being automatically verified Piloting of CCO inbound CARE enrollment via online enrollment. 3,706 numbers of customers enrolled in 2009 CARE Penetration ParticipantsEstimated Eligible Participants Year-to-Date Penetration Rate 1,235,1231,390,13489%
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 12 CARE 2010 Looking Ahead Faith Based Organizations: Leveraging current faith based outreach channels to conduct events in African-American communities. A January 30 th kick off event will bring together 3 leading bishops and will have an expected impact on over 13 million parishioners Customer Call Center: Expansion of in-bound on-line CARE Enrollment/LIEE referral throughout SCE’s phone center operation Schools: Promoting data sharing with local school districts to identify students enrolled in National School Lunch Program (Title 1) and automatically enroll on to CARE Best Buy: Continuing and potentially expanding the first utility coordination with retail stores to integrate CARE into Energy Efficiency residential marketing by placing CARE applications in retail stores
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM 13 Customer Privacy – Current Practices Southern California Edison Terms and Conditions Nondisclosure Consultant agrees that it will not use any of the Confidential Information for any purpose other than performing LIEE Work Outbound calls via IVR now include an “opt-out” option for customers