FRYSC Top 10 List for Making Home Visits
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Why Make Home Visits? Families in Training (KRS Section 3C) Welcome New Students and Families Follow-up on Referrals Gather Information Outreach – To develop a partnership between the school and the home Parents as Teachers (PAT Visits) Parental Consent
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Be Familiar With Your District Scope out your district Know your neighborhoods (Housing Projects, Subdivisions, etc.) Take someone familiar (DPP, Advisory Council Member, etc.) Get a map from: –Chamber of Commerce –City Government –County Government
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Tips to Go! Dress appropriately Check out – Before you leave, alert someone of your destination and expected arrival time back to the center. If referral warrants, take another person (teacher, DPP, assistant, etc.) Always listen to your intuition!
Cabinet for Health and Family Services What to know before you go Talk with school faculty/staff If new student from another school, contact the previous FRYSC. Check IC for: –Other household members/siblings –Attendance/Tardies –Up to date health/enrollment information –Free/Reduced Meal Status Check with other agencies for information –P&P-- Family Support -- Police Dept.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services What to Take: Cell Phone Phone #, Address and Directions GPS Information pertaining to your visit Identification Business Cards/Pamphlets/Door Hanger KCHIP Information Household Income Forms (Free/Reduced)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services When to Go: Scheduled Home Visits Unannounced Home Visits Designated home visit days –i.e. every Thursday or the second Tuesday of every month
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Upon Arrival: Park vehicle for quick and easy exit If dogs or other animals approach, blow your horn so someone can come out to call them off. Be aware of your surroundings. When knocking on door, stand to one side. Stand/Sit to have a quick, easy exit. Listen to your instincts!
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Introductions Introduce yourself. Show identification (school badge, business card) Smile and make eye contact. Shake hands. Always begin your conversation with positive information.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Connect with the Family Explain purpose of the center. Talk about upcoming activities/events. Extend a personal invitation to visit the school and the center Encourage participation/parental involvement. Let them know they are important and you value them.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Connect with the Family: State the purpose for the visit: –Referral from faculty/staff –Provide opportunities for feedback/discussion –Offer services/resources –Get consent forms signed –Schedule follow-up visit –Offer to meet at school Always end your visit on a positive note!
Cabinet for Health and Family Services If you don’t accomplish anything else... Make sure that the parent/ guardian knows that YOU value and respect them and you want to support them in their role.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Safety First! Bow out gracefully when: –Someone is under the influence –Weapons –Domestic Violence –Family Crisis –Angry Behavior (pounding fists/pointing fingers, cursing, etc.) –Follow your instincts!
And Now … The FRYSC Top 10 List For Home Visits
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 10 Make sure your gas tank is FULL.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 9 Take a cell phone.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 8 Check out with someone at the center/school.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 7 Take identification.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 6 Take information/pamphlet about the center and upcoming activities.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 5 Take contact information.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 4 Park to have quick access to leave.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 3 Position yourself so you have quick and easy access to the door.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services Number 2 Take dawg bones for Spot the Rottweiler.
Cabinet for Health and Family Services And Number 1... Listen to yourINSTINCTS!
The End