Online Community Involvement Tracking Hour Republic has developed a community involvement solution where students can track their hours online, with integrated signature verification.
What you need to have before signing up: Your address Parent/Guardian Address Parent/Guardian Phone Number
To Access the Hour Republic: Log into the Sir Winston Secondary School website:
Click on e + Learning button log-in to D2L site using your DSBN username and password.
1. Click on HR button at top of page. 2. Follow directions for: Student Sign-Up: Your OEN number should already be in the box.
Step 5: Select Birthday, Gender, Postal Code Step 1: Enter your personal address Step 2: Select School Board “DSB NIAGARA” Step 3: Select School “Sir Winston Churchill” Step 4: Select the year you started high school Note: This is how Hour Republic calculates your grade level
Step 6: Enter your Parent/Guardian Contact, Name, , and Phone Number.
Parent/Guardian Information: You can enter either your Parent/Guardian’s Home Phone or Cell Phone number. Be sure to take the hyphens (-) out of the Phone Number for it to work (e.g ).
Final Step: Step 7: The final step is to review and check the box to accept the User Agreement, and then click Sign Up! It may take up to 24 hours to review your sign up form and provide you with access to Hour Republic. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, then please click the Contact button on the bottom of the web page.
How to Add Hours to Volunteer Dashboard: Navigate to the Volunteer Dashboard and start by clicking on Add Hours.( It will say your name)
Enter the organization’s contact information: 1. Name of Organization 2. Contact Name 3. Contact 4. Contact Phone, Ext.
Add in a Description of Community Involvement (e.g. I refereed a grade 8 volleyball game),
Select Skills Learned (click to view and check off skills) (TIP: You can add your own skills! Just select Other from the drop-down menu.)
Select the Start and Completion Date Input the Total Hours volunteered
Check off that you have verified that this activity meets your school board’s guidelines and eligibility criteria for community involvement in order to submit the hours. You can click on the guidelines and eligibility criteria text to view the document describing the criteria.
Finally Save or Submit your volunteer hours: o If you select Save, then you can continue editing the form and submit it when complete. You can edit and save forms as often as necessary (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly).
Once you select Submit, the organization contact and your parent/guardian will receive an and will be asked to verify and comment on the hours.
The organization and your parent/guardian simply select an Accept or Decline button. Once verified your dashboard and progress bar will automatically be updated!