Maryland’s Missing Person Report Form A Guide For Implementation
Historical Development 1. Mandated by Md. Annotated Code, Public Safety, Sections and Specifies NO WAITING Period 3. Implementation effective October 1, 2008
The Form 1 Comprised of two (2) pages 2 Printed on NCR paper 3 Codes for “Missing Person Classification”, NCIC “Caution Codes”, and “Location Codes” are found on the back side of the first page, original copy.
Agency Data 1 The header of the report form captures data identifying the type of Missing Person report this is and the Agency filing the report.
Classification Codes 1 Classification Codes are found on the reverse of the first form, original copy. They are comprised of two or three characters and only the codes listed are acceptable for reporting purposes.
ORI 2 Reporting Agency ORI is the unique number assigned to your agency by the State. It is the same number used on a MAARS form.
CASE NUMBERS 3 Agency Case # is the unique case number assigned by your agency to this incident
Missing Person Data 1 Blocks #1 through 60 all pertain to information about the missing person.
Block #1 Enter the missing person full name in a last, first, middle Format.
Block #2 Enter the missing person Race, consistent with the numeric codes utilized on a Maryland Uniform Citation.
Block # 3 Enter the missing person sex, utilizing either M or F.
Block # 4 Enter the missing persons date of birth in a MM/DD/YY format
Block # 5 Enter the missing person place of birth as City, State, or if not US born, enter the Country of birth.
Block # 6 Enter the missing persons height consistent with your agencies guidelines, either as 5’6” or 66 inches.
Block # 7 Enter the missing persons weight in pounds
Block # 8 Enter the missing persons eye color, using only the descriptors listed in block #45.
Block # 9 Enter the missing persons hair color, using only the descriptors found in box #46.
Block #10 Indicate whether NCIC prints are on file or not.
Block # 11 Indicate whether a footprint impression is available.
Block # 12 Indicate the missing persons blood type, utilizing only one of the following: O-, O+,A-,A+,B-,B+,AB-,AB+, or unk.
Block # 13 Make the appropriate selection for both inquiries.
Block #14 Make the appropriate selection.
Block #15 Indicate jewelry type, (i.e. bracelet, rings, necklace, piercing, etc.)
Block #16 Describe jewelry, ( i.e. gold, silver, color of stones, shape, distinguishing features).
Block # 17 Enter the NCIC Caution Code – remember these are found on the reverse side of the first page, original copy.
Block # 18 Enter the missing person full social security number, unknown, or none.
Block # 19 Enter the missing persons FBI #, unknown, or none.
Block # 20 Enter any local or miscellaneous identifier, (i.e. handgun permit)
Block # 21 Enter any distinguishing marks, using block #96 if more space is needed.
Block # 22 Enter the missing persons skin tone, using only descriptors found in block # 50.
Block # 23 Make the appropriate selection, using care to treat all collections as evidence.
Block # 24 Enter the missing person full operators license number
Block # 25 Enter the State that issued the operators license. Accepted abbreviations are permitted.
Block # 26 Enter the year the operators permit expires using a four digit format.
Block # 27 Make the appropriate selection.
Block # 28 Make the appropriate selections.
Block # 29 Provide any identifying characteristics, ( damage, multiple colors, modifications)
Block # 30 Enter the full VIN of the vehicle or unknown.
Block # 31 Enter responses to all inquiries, there are cases where the response may be “unknown”.
Block # 32 Enter the appropriate response
Block # 33 Provide full residential address, including zip code,
Block # 34 Enter the missing persons phone number, including area code.
Block # 35 Enter complete information on employer or school, or enter “not student/not employed”.
Block # 36 Enter the missing persons business phone number, including area code, or none.
Block # 37 Enter yes or no and complete date and time in the format directed by your agency.
Block #38 Enter the last place the missing person was seen. Residence, work, school etc. are appropriate entries.
BLOCK#39 Enter a location code from the reverse of the first, (original) page.
BLOCK#40 Enter the ORI or County Code used by your agency on a MAARS form.
BLOCK#41 Enter the appropriate zip code
BLOCK#42 Enter the weather at the time the missing person was last seen, (clear, dry, rain, snow, windy, etc.)
BLOCK#43 Enter the date and time the missing person was last seen, in the format used by your agency.
BLOCK#44 Enter the date and time the report was taken, in the format used by your agency.
BLOCK#45 Enter the missing persons eye color, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#46 Enter the missing persons hair color, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#47 Enter the missing persons hair length, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#48 Enter the missing persons hair style, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#49 Make appropriate selection of facial hair, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#50 Indicate the missing persons complexion, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#51 Indicate the missing persons build, using only the selections offered.
BLOCK#52 Indicate the appropriate characterization of the missing persons teeth, if other – provide comment.
BLOCK#53 Indicate any scars, marks, tattoos, or deformities of the missing person, using block #96 if more space is needed.
BLOCK#54 Complete all appropriate inquiries.
BLOCK#55 Complete information to degree possible.
BLOCK#56 Complete information to degree possible
BLOCK#57 Indicate appropriate responses to all inquiries.
BLOCK#58 Indicate any and all medications the missing person is taking.
BLOCK#59 Indicate any known medical conditions of the missing person.
REPORTING PERSON DATA Blocks #60 through#65 record data on the reporting person
BLOCK#60 Provide all requested information on the complaining party, including the appropriate code found on the reverse of the first, original page.
BLOCK#61 Indicate the complainants full address.
BLOCK#62 Indicate the complainants home phone number.
BLOCK#63 Indicate the complainants work phone number and work hours.
BLOCK#64 Have the complainant sign the report form, pointing out the affirmation in the following block, if a signature is required by your agency.
BLOCK#65 Enter the complainants cell phone number.
FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES, IN THE COMPANY OF Blocks #66 through #83 all relate to the missing persons friends, associates, or people they were the company of.
BLOCK#66 Enter the full name, alias, or nickname of friend, associate, or person last seen in the company of, as well as the remaining identifying information consistent with your agencies format and using only the descriptors listed in previous blocks requesting the same type information.
BLOCK#67 Enter the full address and phone number including area code
BLOCK#68 Enter any miscellaneous information about the friends, associates, or in the company of individual.
BLOCK#69 Enter the relationship to the victim, using only the codes appearing at the beginning of the friends, associates, or in the company of section.
BLOCK#70 Enter the clothing characteristics of the individual
BLOCK#71 Mark the appropriate selection
BLOCK#72 Describe any known weapons
BLOCK#73 Indicate who the following vehicle information relates to.
BLOCK#74 Provide any additional vehicle description, not covered in blocks#75-#83
BLOCK#75 Enter the requested information using a four digit format
BLOCK#76 Enter the make of the vehicle, i.e. Ford, Mitsubishi, Toyota etc.
BLOCK#77 Enter the model of the vehicle
BLOCK#78 Enter the style of the vehicle, i.e. convertible, sedan, suv, etc.
BLOCK#79 Enter the color, or color scheme of the vehicle
BLOCK#80 Enter any special equipment or characteristics such as oversized tires, lowered, etc.
BLOCK#81 Enter the full vehicle VIN
BLOCK#82 Provided the requested information in all three categories
BLOCK#83 Indicate if the vehicle was processed
INVESTIGATIVE DATA Investigative background data will be entered in bloks#84 through block#95
BLOCK#84 Provide missing persons cell phone number, or “unknown”
BLOCK#85 Indicate the carrier for the missing persons cell phone
BLOCK#86 Indicate if billing information is available for this phone
BLOCK#87 Enter requested information, being mindful of proper method of handling electronic evidence
BLOCK#88 Indicate Internet service provider
BLOCK#89 If known, enter the screen name used by the missing person, or enter “unknown”
BLOCK#90 List any known credit card accounts
BLOCK#91 Enter bank used by missing person or ATM frequented
BLOCK#92 Enter any miscellaneous information pertinent to follow-up investigation.
BLOCK#93 If known or suspected, enter the possible cause of the missing persons absence.
BLOCK#94 If known, enter the missing persons probable destination.
BLOCK#95 Check the appropriate block
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Several lines have been provided for additional information, or expanding responses to blocks on the form. If expanding a response to a specific block, indicate the block# immediately preceding the added information.
BLOCK#96 Use this space for added, or additional information.
BLOCK#97 To be completed by reviewing supervisor
BLOCK#98 To be completed by reviewing supervisor
BLOCK#99 The original investigator should sign here using their full name.
BLOCK#100 Original investigator should enter any identification number required by their department.
BLOCK#101 Investigator should enter the date the original report is submitted.
BLOCK#102 The investigating officer should enter any related report numbers known.
BLOCK#103 The reviewing supervisor should sign here.
BLOCK#104 The reviewing supervisor should enter their unique identification number.
BLOCK#105 Enter the date the report was reviewed.
BLOCK#106 The reviewing supervisor should enter the NCIC status.
BLOCK#107 The reviewing supervisor should enter the report status.
BLOCK#108 Generally, the Records Section/Division will complete this blank
BLOCK#109 This entry is completed by the Records Section/Division