HOW TO SEARCH RECORDS in WINISIS an online training WinIsis offers two options for searching and retrieving records: Guided Search ( provides a simplified search interface) Expert Search (search suggested for experienced users)
Guided Search From the Search menu, select the option Guided Search.
Searchable fields boxes: select the appropriate field(s) for each keyword you wish to search, or leave the default value <All fields>. Search elements boxes: type in the desired keyword(s). Select the appropriate Boolean operator(s). The default value is. Search expression box shows the expression you formulated. Click on Execute to run the search. Display button allows you to look at the retrieved records. Cancel button takes you back to the database window. Number of hits box shows the result of your search. Clear button erases the search expression. Right-truncation is indicated by placing a dollar sign ($) immediately after the last root character.
How to combine searches To combine the current search with a previous one, highlight the desired search in the Previous search box. Only one search at a time can be combined with the current one. Select the appropriate Boolean operator(s) (in the Operators box). Click on the Execute button to run the search. Number of hits box shows the result of your search. Display button allows you to look at the retrieved records. Clear button erases the search expression. Cancel button takes you back to the database window.
Guided search (with Dictionary display) Dictionary button displays the alphabetical indexes from which you may select search terms to drag and drop into the Search elements boxes. The Dictionary contains terms from all indexed fields. To select the field click on the pull down menu under <All fields>.
Expert Search From the Search menu, select the option Expert Search.
Type your search in the Search expression box. When more than one term is used, a logical operator is needed. Select the appropriate Boolean operator(s) or proximity operator(s). Proximity operator(s) restrict the search to a field or to a limited number of words and can be used alone or in conjunction with the Boolean operator(s). Click on the Execute button to run the search. Display button allows you to look at the retrieved records Cancel button takes you back to the database window. Clear button erases the search expression. Right-truncation is indicated by placing a dollar sign ($) immediately after the last root character.
Search history The Search history window lists the search expressions executed in the current session. For each expression it displays the set number, in parenthesis the database name, the number of hits and the search expression. Each new search is added to this list. To display the corresponding results in the database window : highlight the result set and click on the Display button; or double click on an element of this list. To rerun a search, click on it and the set number will reappear in the search expression box; Execute To refine a search, drag the whole search expression from the Search history list and drop it into the Search expression box. Make desired changes, remove set number and re-execute.
Expert search (with Dictionary display) Dictionary button displays the alphabetical indexes from which you may select search terms to drag and drop into the Search elements boxes. The Dictionary contains terms from all indexed fields. To select the field, click on the pull down menu under <All fields>.