Language Arts 2H Ms. Jackson / Room 963 Ms. Jackson / Room 963 Take a seat anywhere today. Take a seat anywhere today. Tomorrow, there will be assigned seating. Tomorrow, there will be assigned seating. Welcome Sophomores!
Common Core This year’s instruction and learning will look different this year as we transition to the new Common Core Standards. This year’s instruction and learning will look different this year as we transition to the new Common Core Standards. Be prepared for more writing, non-fiction expository texts, and 21 st century skills. Be prepared for more writing, non-fiction expository texts, and 21 st century skills.
Bring Friday -20pts Bring your own address Bring your own address Bring a forever stamp Bring a forever stamp Bring an envelope. Bring an envelope. We will write a letter to ourselves on Friday. We will write a letter to ourselves on Friday. You have until Monday to turn in the envelope and stamp for full credit. You have until Monday to turn in the envelope and stamp for full credit.
Supply Check Monday 30 pts Textbook (5 pts) Textbook (5 pts) Language Arts Notebook / Journal (100 pg minimum/college ruled) (5pts) Language Arts Notebook / Journal (100 pg minimum/college ruled) (5pts) Binder, pen, pencils, erasers, and notebook paper. (5pts) Binder, pen, pencils, erasers, and notebook paper. (5pts) Highlighter (5 pts) Highlighter (5 pts) 1-2 Dry erase markers with dry erase eraser (5pts) 1-2 Dry erase markers with dry erase eraser (5pts) Dictionary, electronic dictionary, or dictionary app. (5pts) Dictionary, electronic dictionary, or dictionary app. (5pts)
Whale of a Tale!!! Icebreaker. I am a vegetarian. I am a vegetarian. I do yoga 3 times a week. I do yoga 3 times a week. My husband is in a punk rock band. My husband is in a punk rock band. I worked for The Simpsons television show I worked for The Simpsons television show
Proper PAPER HEADING First and Last Name Jackson Language Arts 3-4 August 7, 2013 ( skip this line ) WHALE OF A TALE ( skip this line) Create 3 true statements and one false statement about yourself! Be creative
Course Texts Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes The Crucible Of Mice and Men Various non-fiction articles
Outside Reading / Silent Reading / Book Reports / Book Talks See F.A.Q. handout! 300 pages / quarter 1 book report / semester Book talks (aka outside reading each quarter) Complete Reading log sheets-due each Friday. Aim for minutes of reading each week. (20pts / week) Silent Reading in class Tuesday and Thursday Bring SSR book daily! First book due Tuesday August 20th!
Language Arts Notebook / Journals Must bring Language Arts Notebook Everyday! Obtain a spiral bound notebook with 100 or more pages. Worth 200 pts Journals are Monday / Wednesdays / Fridays! Assigned Topics 5 pts/day Lose points when you do not bring to class or do not write ½ pg or more You must makeup missing agendas and journal entries.
Write Agenda Daily in your Language arts notebook! Daily Grammar Review Weekly Grammar hmwk
August 7, 2013 LA3 1.Fri-Your own address, forever stamp and envelope 2.Fri -signed syllabus and film permission 3.Fri-course syllabus quiz 4. Mon Supply Check and timed write 1.Whale of a Tale 2.Syllabus Power Point presentation LA2H 1.Fri-Your own address, forever stamp and envelope 2.Fri -signed syllabus and film permission 3.Fri-course syllabus quiz 4. Mon Supply Check and timed write 1.Whale of a Tale 2.Syllabus Power Point presentation HOMP 1.Fri -signed syllabus and film permission 2.Fri-course syllabus quiz 1. Syllabus Power Point presentation
Roots / Prefixes / Suffixes Approx 10 roots / week Flash cards due Wed.-20 pts Quiz on Friday-20 pts Test every 3-4 weeks-100pts
Participation Sheets These worksheets are how you will earn a portion of your participation points for the quarter. These 5 wkshts total 100 points/quarter. These worksheets are how you will earn a portion of your participation points for the quarter. These 5 wkshts total 100 points/quarter. Throughout the quarter, you will complete 5 participation wkshts (aka 10 questions.) You will ask a question or make a comment and then you will have a follow up question or a comment to earn your 20 points. Throughout the quarter, you will complete 5 participation wkshts (aka 10 questions.) You will ask a question or make a comment and then you will have a follow up question or a comment to earn your 20 points. Finally, provide a summary of the responses you received. You will turn this sheet in the day you ask your question or contribute to the discussion. Finally, provide a summary of the responses you received. You will turn this sheet in the day you ask your question or contribute to the discussion.
Be a responsible gum chewer Throw it in the waste basket-NOT UNDER YOUR DESK OR ON THE FLOOR-Keep Centennial Clean Please Refrain from smacking or bubbles
Cell Phone / Electronic Device Policy 1 st offence-Warning and confiscate the item. Consider this your warning. The teacher will check in the phone into the front office where you will not be able to pick up the item until after school. Only use your phones when granted permission by Ms. Jackson! We will use them for learning! It’s always a good idea to let Ms. Jackson know if you need to use your phone for class purposes or for an emergency.
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity. Students need to cite all information that is not one’s own idea. Please use MLA format to give other’s ideas credit in your own writing. Students must complete all work individually, unless noted otherwise by the instructor. All written work is expected to be one’s own work. Do not copy and paste words and ideas from other students, the Internet, etc. No electronic devices are allowed during a testing period. Students who are academically dishonest will not receive credit for the assignment and will be reported to the appropriate administrator. See Ms. Jackson for further information. “Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” - Sophocles
CLASSROOM RULES Be where you are expected to be. Maintain a safe environment Observe school rules Attendance counts No food, drink, p.d.a No personal grooming Be a responsible gum chewer Be respectful
Classroom Expectations Allow Ms. Jackson to teach! BE RESPECTFUL TO EVERYONE! TRY to LEARN SOMETHING!
Grading Policy
All other work and homework is -2 points a day! Grading Policy Papers / Projects: 1 Day Late= Minus 1 letter grades 1 Day Late= Minus 1 letter grades 2 Days late=-2 letter grades 2 Days late=-2 letter grades 3 Days Late=o% 3 Days Late=o% "My dog deleted it."
Check Your Grades… Q It’s your responsibility to check your missing assignments and grades online!!!
Class website Go to Centennial’s Website Click Teacher pages Click class homepage and 2013/2014 LA3 Assignments. Check it often!!!
Positive Consequences Praise (Verbal, written, or call home) Praise (Verbal, written, or call home) Letters of Recommendation Letters of Recommendation You Choose your destiny You Choose your destiny Good Grades Good Grades A Happy Teacher= A Happy Class! A Happy Teacher= A Happy Class!
Negative Consequences A Verbal Warning A Write-up / parent note or phone call Detention Referral to office * Serious offenses will result in immediate detention or referral.
Bring Friday -20pts Bring your own address Bring your own address Bring a forever stamp Bring a forever stamp Bring an envelope Bring an envelope
Concerns, Questions, comments? I am here to help you!!! Have your parents sign your course outline, video permission slip, and photo release DUE no later than Friday 20pts each The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Course Outline Quiz Friday!!! See this PowerPoint on our class website!