Indiana Reentry Courts: How to? 2012 IACCAC Fall Conference November 8, 2012 Indianapolis, IN
History of Indiana Reentry Courts First in 2001 – Allen County Guided by IC and PSC Rules Eight in operation Several in the planning stages
What is reentry court? Targets offenders released from incarceration Focus on risk and needs, wrap around services, public safety Increased supervision Team approach Judicial involvement
Statutory Authority IC "Reentry court" Sec. 9. As used in this chapter, "reentry court" means a problem solving court that is focused on the needs of individuals who reenter the community after a period of incarceration and that may provide a range of necessary reintegration services for eligible individuals, including the following: (1) Supervision. (2) Offender assessment. (3) Judicial involvement. (4) Case management and services. (5) Program evaluation. (6) Counseling. (7) Rehabilitative care. As added by P.L , SEC.4.
Court jurisdiction – who is eligible ? Released from incarceration on: Probation Parole CTP Community corrections, and Meets local eligibility criteria. No statutory exclusion criteria.
Partnerships – Team Judge DOC (purposeful incarceration) Community corrections / CTP Probation and parole Prosecutor Defense Service providers
Reentry Framework Principles of Effective Interventions 10 KC of Drug Courts NADCP drafting reentry specific components
Reentry participants May have diverse criminal history Increased antisocial attitudes Disruption of social supports due to incarceration May be willing to finish time at DOC
Court must… Develop partnerships with DOC, probation, parole services, parole board Train team to work with high risk individuals Avoid supervision effect Order reentry on the front end
What does the research say? Mixed results Supervision and services matter Variation in models makes generalizing difficult Need more research
Establishing a Reentry Court Notify IJC in the planning process Review statutes and rules Identify a team Develop policies and procedures Submit application for certification Obtain certification by IJC
Why be certified? Training and support from IJC Ability to collect user fee authorized by IC Additional points on ICJI applications
Questions? Mary Kay Hudson, Director of Court Services Indiana Judicial Center Diane Mains, Staff Attorney Indiana Judicial Center
For more information: Mary Kay Hudson Problem-Solving Court Administrator Indiana Judicial Center (317)