Withdrawals “Undergraduate students may receive a grade of W for no more than 16 credit hours over their academic careers.” Applies to entire undergraduate student body beginning Fall 2014, but does not apply for W’s in courses prior to Fall 2014 Consolidates withdrawal deadlines to the 9 th week All withdrawals will appear on transcript as W or WE (extenuating circumstances)
Goals of New Policy Encourage students to assign high priority to completing what they start Encourage student success by reducing the number of unsuccessful course attempts and related undesired consequences: ▪Student debt ▪Untimely graduation Ensure that students enroll only in those classes they intend to complete, thus freeing up more seats for ALL students
September 27, 2013: W Website Launch December 3, 2013: Faculty/Staff Communication Launch March 10, 2014: Student and Campus-Wide Communication Launch
Three critical clauses: 1. Students who experience serious extenuating circumstances (personal or medical crisis or military deployment) may petition for a withdrawal that does not count against their career W limit. 2. The student is expected to submit the petition during the term the crisis begins. If approved, a grade of WE will be recorded for each course 3. Courses marked WE do not count in GPA or tuition surcharge calculations.
What is an Extenuating Circumstance? Personal Crisis Medical Crisis Military Deployment or Activation
Scope of authority Must have 3 rd party documentation Letterhead Signatures Dates Verifiable Event occurred within the term of the request No grades for the term posted Must be beyond their control
SPREAD THE WORD ACCURATELY! Reinforce Univ.-wide messaging Distinguish “drop” vs. “withdraw” Understand other areas impacted (FA, housing, VA, visa students, etc.) Emphasize enforcement
POINTS TO STRESS: Register as early as allowed READ and UNDERSTAND syllabus GO TO CLASS first week If petitioning for extenuating circumstances, must be done within SAME semester
Academic Policies and Procedures website includes most current academic policies: Withdrawals website includes most up-to-date implementation information regarding W policy include FAQs:
Henrietta Thomas, Director, University Advising Center, Leslie R. Zenk, Assistant Provost,