NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION 2011 Essential Policies Diane R. Schulman, Ph.D. Director, Academic Initiatives, and Secretary of Senate
Contact Information ext or 6288 – All academic policies – Senate updates and reports – Schedule of Senate meetings – Senate minutes and agendas – Membership of Senate Committees – Student forms – Honorary Doctorate nominations
Introduction to Essential Policies Course Management (#145) Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance (#150) Student (#157) Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (#159) Grading Promotion & Academic Standing (#46) Examination (#135) Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals (#134) Student Code of Academic Conduct (#60) Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct (#61)
Course Management Policy Senate Policy
Basic Rules! At least 2 graded components Graded and returned promptly At least some graded work returned before last date to drop Confidential return of work Change to evaluation scheme No tests, exams or final assignments due in the last week of classes Record keeping Outlines submitted to department Only grade students who are officially enrolled
Course Outlines By or at first class meeting Must contain Basic information Course description Texts and reading lists Teaching method (lecture, lab, etc.) Schedule of outside activities
Course Outlines Other course issues, e.g. – Use of – Specifics related to Academic Integrity – Use of Ryerson (See Policy 157) – Research with Human Subjects (See Policy 51) Course variations (multiple sections) Evaluation scheme Requirement for medical documentation, if any
Other Policies Which Might be Considered University Academic Conduct Non- Academic Conduct Accommodation of students with disabilities Department/School Group work Course variations Attendance Class participation Electronic devices Other
Final Exams and Grades Final exams not returned retained for one year Students must have access Posting of grades (Blackboard suggested) Final Exam grades must be posted Final Course Grades may not be posted anywhere by the instructor.
Make-Up Tests and Exams (Assuming Verifiable Reason) Normally within 2 weeks Cover same material – not necessarily same format Make-up required Only one of 2 assessments Worth more than 30% Not Required - weight distributed (not to more than 70%) One of several assignments Worth 30% or less Not possible (e.g. performance, group presentation) Missing Final Exam With student request - If make-up not possible before grades due – INC Schedule within 2 weeks of start of term
Missed Make-ups Tests, assignments, etc – For verifiable reason - Grade may be distributed to other assessments even if >70% – For non-verifiable reason – Grade = 0 Final exam – Grade = 0 – For verifiable reason – may reschedule but not required
Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities Senate Policy 159
Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities Duty to Accommodate Confidentiality Students register with the Access Centre Students must meet essential academic requirements with appropriate accommodation Accommodation result of consultation between Access Centre, student and instructor Instructors should be familiar with the policy
Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance Senate Policy 150
Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing (GPA) Policy Senate Policy 46
Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing (GPA) Policy Grading scheme Other course performance designations INC, AEG, DEF, FS, FNA, FLD Grade point averages Academic Standings Clear, Probation, Required to Withdraw, Permanent Program Withdrawal Graduation requirements
Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals Policy Senate Policy 134
Basic Principles Grades reflect demonstrated knowledge Students must seek consideration Faculty must give reasonable consideration Issues should be resolved at the lowest level Appeals only when matters cannot be resolved Regrading or recalculation are not matters of “appeal”
Faculty Obligations Regrading & Recalculation of Work Return graded work promptly Respond to requests in a timely way student must request within 10 working days Informally regrade or recalculate Formal regrading by the Chair/Director can be requested by the student Provide supervised access to final exams Be accessible to students
Academic Consideration & Accommodation Access Centre Religious Observance Student unforeseen circumstances Medical & compassionate documentation Students must consult as soon as situations arise Confidentiality Record keeping Information to Chair/Director for appeals