Earn College Credit in High School
Save money Great way to get a head start on your college education Ease the transition from high school to college Classes are taught by approved instructors, either face-to-face in the classroom, online or through the Interactive Video Network (IVN). Advantages
Student Eligibility Students must be a sophomore, junior, or senior Hold a 3.0 cumulative GPA Meet required Placement Scores Receive permission from their high school counselor/or administrator Receive permission from their parent/legal guardian
Application Process BSC Admission Application $35 Non-Refundable Application Fee In Progress High School Transcript Placement Scores (ACT preferred) Course Registration form Proof of MMR Immunizations
Placement Scores Students who wish to complete college level Math and/or English must achieve required placement scores COMPASS may be scheduled for students who do not meet scores or who have not taken their ACT. English 110: ACT (English) – 18 SAT (Writing) – 430 COMPASS (Writing Skills) – 77 PLAN – (English) 15 Math103: ACT (Math) – 21 SAT (Reading + Math) – 990 COMPASS (Algebra) – 49 PLAN – (Math) 19
Dates & Deadlines Semester dates for Academic Year are as follows: Fall Semester 2014August 25 – December 29, 2014 Spring Semester 2015January 12 – May 15, 2015 Deadlines for students are found on the BSC website. The Dates and Deadlines schedule lists class length, add, drop and withdrawal deadlines. It also includes the last day to drop/withdrawal for 100% tuition refund. Please review the at link provided. bismarckstate.edu/current/records/calendarsdeadlinesbismarckstate.edu/current/records/calendarsdeadlines
Student Responsibilities Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974(FERPA) Prohibits BSC from releasing educational records to any party without written consent. Academic and financial records will not be released without written consent from the student. This can include parents or guardians. The completed form must be turned into the Academic Records office for processing. Parents will not be able to receive any information unless this form is completed and turned in.
Tips: Check options 1 & 2 List parents/legal guardian names
NDUS USER ID & PASSWORD Students need a NDUS User ID and Password in order to access a number of campus technology services, including CampusConnection. CAMPUSCONNECTION CampusConnection is the student’s one-stop shop for all student dealings. Drop Classes Pay tuition/fees View academic advisor View/print class schedule View grades View unofficial transcripts Order Official transcripts
Registration Upon completion of admissions file and acceptance to BSC, the Academic Records office will enroll the student into the specified class(es) listed on the submitted Course Registration form. BSC will not enroll students who have not completed the appropriate forms with the college according to the dates and deadlines schedule for each semester.
Withdrawal And Class Drop: Dropping an Individual Course It is the responsibility of the student to drop courses online through CampusConnection by signing in with their UserID and Password. This only applies to students who are enrolled in multiple courses and would remain enrolled in at least one course following the drop. Withdrawing From All Courses When trying to withdraw from all courses in a semester, CampusConnection will display an error message, stating “Unable to drop class- will drop below required minimum units for enrollment.” It is the responsibility of the student who is withdrawing from ALL courses at BSC to complete the Withdrawal to Zero Credits Form online.
Tuition/Fees The student and parent/legal guardian are responsible for tuition, fees, textbooks, materials, equipment, and other necessary charges related to the course in which enrolled. All charges on the student account are due the first day of the semester.
Suggested Courses Select courses that cover the general education requirements for a broad range of degree programs. COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking ENGL 110 College Composition I PSYC 111 Introduction to Psychology SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology MATH 103 College Algebra MATH 210 Elementary Statistics HIST 103 United States to 1877 CSCI 101 Intro to Computers
Transferability BSC is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. As a result of this accreditation, course credits will transfer without difficulty. All institutions within the North Dakota University System will accept any course approved by the General Education Transfer Agreement (GERTA).General Education Transfer Agreement (GERTA)