Lockout/Tagout Training Presented by Resource Training Group
Brands The National Biscuit Company is created 1898 In 1988 the US is introduced to Lunchables.
Brands In 1933 Kraft introduced “Miracle Whip” Maxwell House was supplied to U.S. Troops overseas in 1942, then sold to the public in , the debut of the Oscar Mayer wiener jingle
Performance Problem Kraft Foods Inc. has 127,000 employees across 223 manufacturing and processing facilities worldwide. OSHA regulation requires practices and procedures for the control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout). Recent citations for deficiencies in lockout/tagout procedures.
Description Assessment of Problem: Too many injuries due to improper lockout/tagout procedures. Employees are not currently aware of the importance of lockout/tagout procedures. Employees do not understand the limitation of tags. Employees are not OSHA compliant in the area of lockout/tagout; this training will bring them into compliance.
Goals Our goals with this training program are to see 100% of operations employees be proficient in tagout/lockout procedures. With new training we will improve our safety record by a predicted 25% Our company will be more effective due to less injuries and proper handling of equipment
Training Outline Lockout/Training begins with a written procedure and policy
Proper training of employees. Outline cont.
And implementation. Outline cont.
Introduction to Lockout/Tagout Definitions and Equipment Lockout/Tagout Procedures Other Information
Lesson Plan Outline Summary/ Review Evaluation. Preparation Presentation Application Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan cont. Preparation - Summary of previous lesson, lesson importance and the method of the presentation. “Tell them what you are going to tell them”. Presentation - Present the material. “Tell them”. Application - Students use the information in some form of activity/exercise. Summary/Review - Summarize the main points and tie them to the performance objectives. “Tell them what you told them”. Evaluation -Use some type of performance “test” to ensure that the students can demonstrate competence of the performance objective. Include five multiple-choice questions.
Lesson Plan cont. Engage workers Ask what do they want to learn from the training? List them and follow up Encourage examples Pose job related problems Use humour and work related stories to enhance content and maintain worker motivation Problem solving Use examples for workers and have them answer Present job related realistic hypothetical situations for workers to consider Provide positive feedback
Time Schedule Weekly Schedule: Location A Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 1 st shift: 10 sessions 2 nd shift: 10 sessions Location B Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 st shift: 10 sessions 2 nd shift: 10 sessions
Time Schedule cont. Overall Schedule:
Budget Total cost of supplies:$ Total salary of trainers:$94, Total trainer expenses:$ Total salary of employee’s:$2,230, Total cost of benefits:$446, Total facilities cost:$2,000.00
Materials for Instructor Dry Erase Board Laptop and Projector Projection Screen
Materials for Trainees Lockout/Tagout procedure handbook (25) Dry Erase Markers 4 colors, 10 sets (4x10=40) Locks and Tags Large Presentation paper
Facilities #1 North America – 50 facilities #2 Latin America – 20 facilities #3 Western Europe – 59 facilities #4 Central, Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa – 50 facilities #5 Asia Pacific – 37 facilities
Facilities cont. Training site at each facility consists of: Meeting room capable of comfortably seating 25 trainees. Meeting room must be available as determined by the preplanned training schedule.
Injury and Cost Comparison