Vicky Piert SIMS Team v0.9 Helping to support School Census Autumn Helping to support School Summer Census Secondary
Contents 1.Summer Return 2.Common Support Calls 3.Data Quality 4.Support/Training Options
Spring Upgrade Upgrades start w/c 27 th April - same day as your Half Day Engineer visit. Please check all workstations log in before he/she leaves. Please read the release notes – they are useful When did you last - Reports / Import / ? Predefined Reports 7.162
School Census Summer 2015 (Spring Release) Upgrades Main changes 1.This is the last of the Censuses in the DfE cycle for 2014/15 2.The changes are limited to those already made for the Autumn and Spring Censuses, except for the introduction of Childcare questions N.B Collects the least pupil characteristics and is therefore most prone to DfE Validation Error 9999 (module is missing) – normally indiciates missing First Language
Creating the Return We recommend that all schools carry out dry runs in advance of the Census Day in May.
Late change to the Dfe Specification Lots of Child Care questions have been added As this has been added at such a late stage, Capita have restricted the supporting functionality to the Census application Capita are to look to moving this functionality to School Details for a future release.
Importing the Fileset 191 – due to be available from Capita The fileset will be ed to the school address from ‘Agilisys Training Team’ – please don’t delete. Save the attachment to your desktop and Extract file Tools / Setups / Import Fileset
What’s new? New Childcare Questions Before School Childcare (Code B) Is childcare provided on the school premises? If childcare is off site, is it signposted? What time does the service become available? What is the maximum number of children the service can simultaneously provide places for? Who provides the childcare service? Is the service made available to children from other schools? After School Childcare (Code A) Is childcare provided on the school premises? If childcare is off site, is it signposted? What time does the service cease operation? What is the maximum number of children the service can simultaneously provide places for? Who provides the childcare service? Is the service made available to children from other schools?
New Childcare Questions Holiday Childcare (Code H) Is childcare provided on the school premises? If childcare is off site, is it signposted? What time does the service become available? What time does the service cease operation? How many weeks of childcare are provided? What is the maximum number of children the service can simultaneously provide places for? Who provides the childcare service? Is the service made available to children from other schools?
Child Care Question Voluntary Schools can leave this table completely empty, but if enough schools do this it might mean less spending in the this area in the future.
Capita Approach to the Childcare Questions If schools decide to answer the questions they do so by clicking new and creating records for each type of child care that is relevant. Where information is provided it should be complete and accurate.
Top-up Funding Do you wish to copy forward from the students from the Spring? YES
Attendance Focus / Attendance / Deal with Missing Marks
DfE Validation DfE have not yet provided suppliers with XSL file used for validation Leaving the 2015 versions of the files in place causes confusion, so Capita are displaying the following when Create & Validate is run
Summary Report DfE have not yet provided suppliers with XSL file used for this report Leaving the 2015 versions of the files in place causes confusion, so we are displaying the following when the Summary Report is run
Detail Reports Make use of the detailed reports
Detail Reports
Copy Census Modified message – to emphasise that panels with “views” on SIMS data are not copied
Course Management (Post 16) Provider UKPRN New Course Classification Code UKPRN – 8 digit number UK Register of Learning Providers (
Setup Provider UKPRN – Maintain Course Classification
Using Provider UKPRN – Maintain Course - Default
Learning Aim Withdrawal Reason – Maintain Course
Learning Aim Withdrawal Reason – Curriculum Assignment
Problem with Protect and Exam Result Columns (Added 27/04/2015 at 11:00) Adding the column for Withdrawal Reason has resulted in an issue when the user is adding or removing ticks from the Protect column. Unfortunately, when the user clicks on the Protect column the software attempts to provide details of the Exam Result, which is the functionality intended for the Result column. This causes difficult both for users who want to protect a membership and for users who want to see details for Exam Results. Users who want to Protect memberships are given the impression that the system has hung, as the “busy” pointer is shown until the pointer is move off that Protect cell. Although unlikely in the real world, our training data already has the Exam Results for memberships that have not yet been completed and this triggers a different issue in that the Exam Result details are shown when the Protect cell is clicked. Users who want to view Exam Result details can only do so by clicking the Protect cell and thereby toggling the tick in the Protect cell. The problem has been caused by the introduction of a new column in the table and cannot be fixed by a database patch. However, we have provided a solution via a release of a separate Workstation fix for all other customers that may be affected.
Learning Aim Withdrawal Reason – Leavers Routine
Reporting Dictionary – Students’ Programme of Study
Course Management Maintain Course – Improved Performance When opening courses When saving courses
Reporting Dictionary – Students’ Programme of Study
Improving Data Family & Home / Salutation / Siblings
Training Options Census Refresher – Half £71 or £110 per hour SIMS Office User Top Tips & Techniques – Half £71 Tuesday 19 th May A.M. - 9 – 12 p.m. Wednesday 20 th May P.M. - 1 – 4 p.m. Places are still available!! SIMS Reporting Top Tips & Techniques – Half £71
Support – Log a call Telephone: