GRIP Retreat Review June 4, 2013
GRIP THEMATIC TEAMS Team 1: Enrollment Management Recruitment and Admissions; UTSA Ready; Top Scholar; Financial Aid; Finish in Four; On Campus Employment Team 2: Transition & Advising Orientation; First Year Experience; Advising Bridging Programs; Advising Electronic Support Systems Team 3: Curricula & Academic Planning Streamlining Curriculum; Tutoring, SI and Online Resources; Waitlists; Online Learning; Competency and CLEP Testing; Multidisciplinary Studies
Students are our highest priority.
RETREAT TAKEAWAYS We must foster a student-centered campus culture … whether it’s customer service from our staff and faculty or the teaching methodology of our faculty. –Identify policy and process roadblocks in your area –Be helpful and respectful –Doesn’t mean saying ‘yes’ all the time, but see first two above We must find funds to offer scholarships to recruit strong students. We must help students find the right major sooner
RETREAT TAKEAWAYS We must include our students in our conversations when seeing how to improve. We must continue to think creatively and share our ideas. The GRIP is the most important thing UTSA is doing, and we cannot fail.
FALL 2013 PILOT PROJECTS First Year Experience (Academic Inquiry and Scholarship course and University Peer Mentor program) Top Scholar Program Early Alert Revise Advising and Orientation Competency-Based Exams Fine-Tuning Previously Implemented Programs
VPAA POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Curriculum and Majors: –Changing prerequisite or degree requirements –Course milestone and support work –Process/limits for changing majors Faculty Issues: –Make assignments to be graded early –Grades entered timely into Blackboard Learn –Grade distribution for tenure & promotion Advising
UTSA POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Orientation/Roadrunner Days Registration holds UTSA job bank for student hiring 15 vs. 12 credit hours for university financial aid, scholarships University withdrawal process Catalog course “longevity” Course drop date Please help us identify others
CLOSING REMARKS – WANDA MERCER The most important thing is helping students earn degrees. “Everything else is extraneous.”