Unit 5 International Express pre-intermediate wordlists
advertisement (n) advice (n) alcohol (n) apple (n) aspirin (n) attract (v) aubergine (n) ban (v) beef (n) benefit (n) birthday (n) boiled (adj) breath (n) [single act of taking air into lungs] butter (n) cabbage (n) caffeine (n) car alarm (n) celebration (n) champagne (n) character (n) [defining features] cheese (n) cherry (n) chicken breast (n) chocolate (n) cider (n) citizen (n) cognac (n) completely (adj) courgette (n) crisis (n)
cucumber (n) cutlet (n) cycle path (n) delicious (adj) dessert (n) diet (n) dinner (n) disappear (v) dish (n) [food prepared in a particular way] duck (n) economic (adj) else (adv) [e.g. ‘anything else’] energy (n) excuse (n) fast food (n) favourite (adj) festival (n) founder (n) fresh (adj) fried (adj) frozen (adj) fruit (n) fun (n) good for you (idiom) [having a beneficial effect] grape (n) grilled (adj) guide (n) [book giving information] headache (n) health (n) healthy (adj)
heart (n) horrified (adj) hostess (n) housework (n) human being (n) inexpensive (adj) ingredient (n) inhabitant (n) introduce (v) [bring something into operation/use] invasion (n) just (adv) [only] keep (v) [preserve] lamb (n) [meat] lose (v) [e.g. ‘lose weight] lovely (adj) lunch (n) main course (n) make sure (v) maximum (n) member (n) [e.g. of a club] menu (n) method (n) microwave (n) movement (n) [group of people with shared aims] neon-lit (adj) new potatoes (n) onion (n) order (v) organic (adj) outlet (n) pace (n) [speed] painkiller (n) park (n) paté (n)
peach (n) pear (n) pepper (n) philosophy (n) [set of beliefs] physical (adj) pleased (adj) pork (n) prawn (n) promise (v) promote (v) [encourage] protect (v) protest (n) psychologist (n) publish (v) quality (n) quality of life (idiom) recommend (v) reduce (v) relaxation (n) roast (adj) salad (n) salmon (n) sandwich (n) seafood (n) secret (n) selection (n) serve (v) [provide food] serving (n) [portion of food] skill (n) slow down (v) smoked (adj) sociable (adj) sole (n) [kind of fish]
square (n) starter (n) [first course of a meal] statement (n) strawberry (n) stress (n) tip (n) [piece of advice] tradition (n) true (adj) tuna (n) unique (adj) vegetable (n) waiter (n) waitress (n) way of life (idiom) website (n) weekend (n) weight (n) work it out (idiom) yoghurt (n)