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Presentation transcript:


Vocabulary Builder Task I Fill in the blanks. Listen and write the sentence number in the box. p.4 Drinks Soups Desserts Main Dishes Salads Starters 1. Starters 3 2. Soups 4 3. Salads 1 4. Main Dishes 5 5. Desserts 6 6. +WARM UP Drinks 2

Vocabulary Builder Audio Transcripts: Neil is trying to lose weight, so he usually has salad. Would you like anything to drink? We have soda, fruit juice, and five different kinds of beer. We offer a free starter with the purchase of any two steaks. It is a cold day, so Chris really wants a hot bowl of soup. Turkey is the main dish in a Thanksgiving meal. I’m full. I don’t have enough room for dessert. +WARM UP

We eat a ___________ at the beginning of a meal. Vocabulary Builder Task II Complete the sentences with the menu sections from above (p. 2). Change the word form if necessary. p.2 We eat a ___________ at the beginning of a meal. ___________ are usually sweet. The waiter serves them after a meal. You can find different vegetables in ___________. Green tea is one of Darren’s favorite ___________. ___________ are the biggest part of a meal. They’ll fill your stomach. We use a spoon, not a fork, to eat ___________. starter Desserts salads drinks Main dishes +WARM UP soup

5 salads 2 soups 3 starters 4 drinks 6 main dishes Vocabulary Builder Listen Up Task I Listen to the audio. Write the matching dialogue number and the menu section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 salads 2 soups +WARM UP 3 starters 4 drinks 6 main dishes

Amelia is too full to eat any more food. T F Dialogue 2 Vocabulary Builder Listen Up Task II Listen again. Circle T if the statement is true or F if it’s false. Dialogue 1 Amelia is too full to eat any more food. T F Dialogue 2 Natalie is ordering food in summer. Dialogue 3 Phil and Pete need more time to decide on their main dishes. Dialogue 4 Chris already had something to drink. Dialogue 5 The man orders blue cheese dressing. Dialogue 6 Deborah and Tony both want to eat a lot of food. +WARM UP

Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 1: Vocabulary Builder Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 1: Amelia: I ate a lot today. I don’t want to eat ice cream. Bob: But look, Amelia — they have your favorite, cookies and cream! And it’s such a hot day. Amelia: Maybe we can order one to share then. What do you think? Bob: Let’s do it. Dialogue 2: Luke: Do you want a big bowl or a small one, Natalie? Natalie: I want a big one. I need something to really warm my stomach. Luke: Yeah, me too. I can’t wait. I hope it doesn’t burn my tongue, though. +WARM UP

Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 3: Pete: What do you want to eat, Phil? Vocabulary Builder Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 3: Pete: What do you want to eat, Phil? Phil: I’m not sure. Why don’t we order something small first, Pete? Pete: Good idea. That would give us more time to decide on our main dishes. How do the Buffalo wings sound? Phil: They sound good to me. Dialogue 4: Chris: I just went to the gym, and the water machine there was broken. Mike: Wow! You must be thirsty, Chris. Chris: Yep. I’m going to get a large glass of juice. Mike: I want some juice too. I’ll call the waiter over.

Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 5: Vocabulary Builder Audio Transcripts: Dialogue 5: David: What type of dressing do you have? Waiter: We have Caesar, Italian, Thousand Island, and blue cheese. David: I’ll have Caesar. Waiter: Sure. I’ll be back in a moment. Dialogue 6: Deborah: I’m so hungry. Are you, Tony? Tony: Yes, Deborah. I didn’t have lunch today. What do you want to get? Deborah: I want a big plate of spaghetti. You? Tony: I’m going to get the cheese pizza. +WARM UP

A: Do you want a _________? B: Sure. I would like _________, please. Vocabulary Builder B. Act It Out Use the word choices given. Practice the conversations with your partner. A: Do you want a _________? B: Sure. I would like _________, please.

2. A: I know a good _________ on 19th Avenue. Vocabulary Builder B. Act It Out Use the word choices given. Practice the conversations with your partner. 2. A: I know a good _________ on 19th Avenue. B: Oh, yeah. That restaurant’s _________is / are great.

3. A: Would you like something to drink? Vocabulary Builder B. Act It Out Use the word choices given. Practice the conversations with your partner. 3. A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes. What types of _________ do you have?

2. Do you want fries with your meal? Vocabulary Builder C. Did You Know . . .? Would you like, could you, and could / may I are more polite than do you want, can you, and can I. Practice saying the following sentences in a more polite way. Can I take your coat? 2. Do you want fries with your meal? 3. Can you hold on for a second? 4. I want two bowls of soup. 1. Could / May I take your coat? 2. Would you like fries with your meal? +WARM UP 3. Could you hold on for a second? 4. I would like two bowls of soup.


1. Can you ___________ a movie for children? (suggest) Conversation A. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. 1. Can you ___________ a movie for children? (suggest) 2. I’d like some ___________ sauce with my steak, please. (more) recommend extra

3. What are you going to ___________ for dessert? (ask for) Conversation A. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. 3. What are you going to ___________ for dessert? (ask for) 4. My meal tastes good, but the cook should ___________ some salt next time. (put in) order add

5. The fried chicken is the cheapest ___________ on the menu. (food) Conversation A. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. 5. The fried chicken is the cheapest ___________ on the menu. (food) 6. The garden salad is very ___________ with young women. (many people like it) dish popular

Conversation A. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. 7. When you see the ___________, please ask her for more coffee. (restaurant worker) 8. The ___________ on that cheeseburger isn’t good for you. (type of meat) waitress bacon

Conversation B. Meanings in Context Choose the meaning of the sentence in the conversation.

Conversation B. Meanings in Context Choose the meaning of the sentence in the conversation.

Conversation B. Meanings in Context Choose the meaning of the sentence in the conversation.

Conversation B. Meanings in Context Choose the meaning of the sentence in the conversation.

1. What do Jimmy and Daphne do before getting their main dishes? Conversation C. Comprehension Check Circle the answer. 1. What do Jimmy and Daphne do before getting their main dishes? a. They order chicken sandwiches. b. They eat French fries. c. They get a snack outside. d. They use the restroom.

2. What do we know about the restaurant? Conversation C. Comprehension Check Circle the answer. 2. What do we know about the restaurant? a. Many people order the bacon cheeseburger and mushroom burger. b. The chicken sandwich is not very popular anymore. c. The French fries come with ketchup but not barbecue sauce. d. Barbecue sauce is included with the mushroom burger only.

3. What do Jimmy and Daphne have to drink? Conversation C. Comprehension Check Circle the answer. 3. What do Jimmy and Daphne have to drink? a. They don’t have anything to drink. b. Jimmy has water, and Daphne has coffee. c. Both Jimmy and Daphne have coffee. d. Daphne has water, and Jimmy has coffee.

4. How long will it be before they get their food? Conversation C. Comprehension Check Circle the answer. 4. How long will it be before they get their food? a. Half an hour b. Ten minutes c. Almost an hour d. A quarter of an hour

Language Center

Language Center

Match the question with the appropriate response. Language Practice A. Match Match the question with the appropriate response. Question: _____ 1. What do you recommend? _____ 2. Could I get you something to start? _____ 3. Our soup today is the French onion. _____ 4. How about your main course? _____ 5. Would you like dessert? _____ 6. Can I get you something to drink? _____ 7. Could I get some extra bacon? Response: a. A glass of lemonade would be great. Thanks. b. A lot of people like our Peking duck. c. Sure. I’ll have the cheese plate. d. There’s a $2 charge for that. Is that OK? e. That sounds good. One bowl for me, please. f. I would like to have the seafood pasta with cream sauce. g. No, thanks. I’m full after that big meal. b c e f g a +WARM UP d

 Language Practice B. Listen for Details Listen to the dialogue and check the correct order sheet.  +WARM UP

1. The waitress recommends the cheese sticks for a _________. Language Practice B. Listen for Details Listen again and choose the answers. 1. The waitress recommends the cheese sticks for a _________. a. starter b. main dish c. dessert d. salad 2. The waitress’s name is _________. a. Sally b. Sammy c. Honey d. Sandy 3. Rebecca asks the waitress to bring the _________ separately. a. French fries b. sauce c. lemon juice d. water 4. Lots of the restaurant’s customers like the _________. a. cheese sticks b. onion rings c. fruit plates d. tuna sandwiches +WARM UP

Language Practice Audio Transcripts: Sandy: Welcome to Sammy’s Grill. I’m Sandy. Are you ready to order? Chris: We’re almost ready. We know our main dishes, but we’re not sure about a starter. Could you recommend one? Sandy: Of course. Our cheese sticks are popular. I really like the crab cakes as well. Chris: One order of crab cakes sounds good. (turns to his wife) Honey, you want the grilled salmon, right? Rebecca: Yes. And could you put the sauce on the side? Sandy: Certainly. And for you, sir? Chris: I’d like the tuna sandwich. Sandy. Sure. Would you like something to drink? Rebecca: White wine for me, please. Chris: I’d like the same. Thanks. Sandy: OK. Your starter should be here in a couple minutes. Let me know if you need anything else. +WARM UP

     □ Garlic sauce □ No cheese □ Extra mushrooms Language Practice C. Complete the Chart Listen to the dialogue and check the information you hear. Dish / Drink Special Request Spaghetti □ Garlic sauce □ No cheese □ Extra mushrooms Roasted chicken □ Extra potatoes □ No garlic  □ No onions Water  □ Two glasses  □ No ice □ Lots of ice Grapefruit juice  □ Really cold  □ No sugar □ With a straw Apple pie  □ Extra cream  □ Three forks □ With cheese     

Language Practice Audio Transcripts: Mark: Good evening. Welcome to Tony’s Italian Kitchen. What can I get for you? Stan: One order of smoked salmon. We both love salmon. Mark: One order of smoked salmon. Sure. How about your main course? Liz: I’d like to have the spaghetti. Can I get the garlic sauce? I don’t really like tomato sauce. Mark: Yes. We can do that. What would you like, sir? Stan: Roasted chicken is delicious. I’ll have that. Could you hold the onions? Mark: No problem. And to drink? Stan: Water is fine for me. No ice, please. Liz: I would like the grapefruit juice without sugar. Mark: Sure thing. Do you know about your dessert yet? Stan: We’d like to share a slice of apple pie. Could you give us some extra cream? Mark: All right. Your starter should be here soon. Enjoy your meal. +WARM UP

Grammar Focus

Grammar Focus

Grammar Focus

1. There’s a message on the phone. Maybe __________ wants to Grammar Practice A. Fill in the Blanks Complete the sentences with something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, or nobody. 1. There’s a message on the phone. Maybe __________ wants to buy your car. 2. The machine is broken. __________ happens when I push the button. 3. I don’t know __________ from Australia. 4. Beverly looks worried. __________ is bothering her. 5. I went to the shopping mall, but I didn’t really need __________. 6. The bookstore was open, but __________ was inside. somebody Nothing anybody Something +WARM UP anything nobody

Match the question / statement with the appropriate response. Grammar Practice B. Match Match the question / statement with the appropriate response. Question/Statement: ____ 1. Not many students got good grades. ____ 2. How many people like pizza? ____ 3. Which one do you like? ____ 4. Several are very cheap. ____ 5. What is on sale in the store? ____ 6. Do any bikes in the shop have lights? ____ 7. Is one of your friends a doctor? ____ 8. There are lots of movies to see. Response: a. Yes. Another is a computer engineer. b. Everything is ten percent off. c. Yes. Some have them. d. Are any funny? e. I think everyone does. f. Both are beautiful. g. Yeah. They cost less than $20. h. That’s right. Few passed the test. h e f g b c +WARM UP a d

Grammar Practice C. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the article. are one Cats and dogs are popular pets. Both is good pets, but many people like just another. Some likes dogs, and other are cat lovers. Few is fans of both. like others are

Grammar Practice C. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the article. weigh There are many different kinds of dogs. Some weighs more than 100 pounds, while other types of dogs are small. Their fur is different too. A golden retriever’s fur is long. A bulldog has short fur. Anyone loves puppies. Everything about puppies are cute. But few stays cute. They become big dogs. stay is Everyone

Grammar Practice C. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the article. are is are Cats aren’t as different as dogs. Many is the same size. However, they can be different colors. Look at the cats in a pet store. One is white. Another are black. And some is many different colors. Of course, somebody thinks kittens are cute. everyone

Going to Restaurants around the World Reading Going to Restaurants around the World Food is an important part of a culture, and one of the best ways to enjoy it is in a local restaurant. Remember that in different countries, people eat differently.

Going to Restaurants around the World Reading Going to Restaurants around the World India In India, most people eat with their hands. Wash first! You must use the right hand to eat because Indians think that the left is not clean. Do not touch other people’s food or offer them yours. Beef and pork aren’t appropriate to order — a lot of people in India are Hindu or Muslim.

Going to Restaurants around the World Reading Going to Restaurants around the World Thailand Thai food is for sharing. Don’t ask for your own dish. Take enough for a bite or two and eat slowly. The oldest woman should order, and the richest person pays.

Going to Restaurants around the World Reading Going to Restaurants around the World Japan Don’t pour your own drink in Japan. Your companions should pour it for you. If you don’t want any more, leave your glass full. When you pay the bill in Japan, you shouldn’t count your change.

Going to Restaurants around the World Reading Going to Restaurants around the World France French cooks don’t like it when you ask for ketchup. You should try the meal first. During your meal, your hands should be visible at all times. Most French people split the bill. You should pay an equal amount, not ask everyone what they ate.

Her story was reported in the local newspaper. ____ Reading A. Words with Different Meanings Match the word in bold with its definition. Her story was reported in the local newspaper. ____ One of the best parts of visiting a country is talking with the locals. ____ Definition: a. adj. related to a particular area b. n. a person who lives in a particular area a b

2. Valerie took a big bite of French bread. ____ Reading A. Words with Different Meanings Match the word in bold with its definition. 2. Valerie took a big bite of French bread. ____ The man saw a doctor after the dog bit him. ____ Definition: a. n. the act of using your teeth to cut something b. v. to cut something with your teeth a b

This isn’t a real 100-dollar bill, so the bank won’t take it. ____ Reading A. Words with Different Meanings Match the word in bold with its definition. 3. We were both full after such a big dinner, so we asked for the bill. ____ This isn’t a real 100-dollar bill, so the bank won’t take it. ____ Definition: a. n. a list of charges b. n. paper money a b

4. Men and women should have equal rights. ____ Reading A. Words with Different Meanings Match the word in bold with its definition. 4. Men and women should have equal rights. ____ The baskets have an equal number of Easter eggs in them. ____ Definition: a. adj. of the same size, amount, or value b. adj. being treated the same b a

offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split Reading B. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. Change the word form if necessary. offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split 1. The woman might be in danger, so the police are staying outside of her house __________. (always) 2. We should __________ the cake into eight pieces. Everyone gets one slice. (separate) at all times split

offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split Reading B. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. Change the word form if necessary. offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split 3. It’s not __________ to wear those clothes here. This is a very formal dinner party. (suitable) 4. Dogs are great __________. You should get one. (friend) appropriate companions

offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split Reading B. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. Change the word form if necessary. offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split 5. The large advertisement is __________ from the other side of the highway. (people can see) 6. The host __________ Bob something to drink. (ask someone if they want something) visible offered

offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split Reading B. Word Definitions Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the word choices given. Change the word form if necessary. offer appropriate pour companion visible at all times split 7. The waitress __________ drinks for the customers. (put liquid in a cup) poured

T F 1. Never touch an Indian’s food at the dinner table. Reading C. True or False Circle T if the statement is true or F if it’s false. T F 1. Never touch an Indian’s food at the dinner table. T F 2. It’s unusual to order a steak or some bacon in India. T F 3. Indian culture says that the right hand is not clean. T F 4. In Thai culture, all of the people at a meal share the dishes.

T F 5. In Japan, it’s best to let your friends fill your drink. Reading C. True or False Circle T if the statement is true or F if it’s false. T F 5. In Japan, it’s best to let your friends fill your drink. T F 6. Asking for ketchup with your meal will make French chefs happy. T F 7. You shouldn’t put your hands under the table in France. T F 8. People usually share the bill in France.

Writing Task I Below is a restaurant review. Use the correct form of the words to fill in the blanks. La Parisienne is a new French restaurant. I went there last week. The waiter 1. _____________ the onion soup and the duck breast with 2. _____________ potatoes. I decided to listen to him. I also ordered a tomato salad as a(n) 3. _____________. It was great. The onion soup was tasty but a little 4. _____________. The duck was perfectly cooked. That was my 5. _____________ dish of the night. For 6. _____________, I had a piece of chocolate cake. I loved it. I washed my meal down with a nice glass of 7. _____________. It was an excellent dining experience. This is not a cheap restaurant, but it’s a good place for a(n) 8. _____________. recommended baked starter salty favorite dessert wine date

Writing General Info: The 9. _____________ is friendly and quick. The restaurant 10. _____________ all credit cards. It takes reservations over the phone or online. There is 11. _____________ in the back. It’s 12. _____________ from Monday to Saturday, from noon to 10:00 p.m. accepts service open parking

Writing Task II Write a review of your favorite restaurant. Use the passage above as an example. Answer the following questions in your review. 1. What type of food does it serve? 2. What is the most popular dish there? 3. What is your favorite (least favorite) dish, and why do (don’t) you like it? 4. What is the best starter? How about dessert? 5. What general info can you provide?

The End