Miss. Amanda Mossman
Overview Intro. Rules Topics Sports Homework
Intro. A little about myself
Welcome to class!!! Intro.
Number one rule: HAVE FUN! Number two rule: BE SAFE! Come to class!!!! You MUST change clothes Acceptable gym clothes are: For Men: t-shirts, shorts that fit, loose pants, sneakers without black soles, hair must be out from face For Women: yoga pants, t-shirts, sneakers without black soles, fit shorts, hair must be wore back and out from face Rules: In The Gym
PLEASE do not wear: long baggy pants/shorts, black sole shoes, loose and/or see-through shirts, pants below the hip level, jewelry, Check the weather!! Bring a water bottle Rules: In The Gym
Get involved Participation is key Grading: = A, 89-80= B, 79-70= C, 69-60= D, 59 or below= F Rules: In The Gym
Come to class!!! Materials needed: The assigned text book, a notebook, pen or pencil, highlighter, 3 ring binder, a 3 hole punch folder Participate Homework every Monday’s class No homework on Friday’s class! Rules: In The Classroom
Participation is key!!!! Tests= 45points Projects=25points Participation= 10points Quizzes= 10points Homework= 5points Research Project= 5points Grading: = A, 89-80= B, 79-70= C, 69-60= D, 59 or below= F Rules: In The Classroom
Topics Both in the Gym and Classroom
Group Activities Trust Activities Team Work Activities Individual Activities “Your Sport” Activity Topics: In The Gym “Your Sport” will be in the next couple of slides
Terminology of the Human Body: What is it all about? Human Systems: A peek in all 7 Nutrition/ Digestion System Wellness: What IS wellness? Sex Education/ Reproduction system Topics: In The Classroom We WILL be watching vides on Child Birth
Sports What we will be working on in the Gym as a class We’re going to have fun!!!!!
September- November (Outside): Tennis Baseball Running Football September- November (Inside): Badminton Pickle Ball Hockey Sports
December- January (Inside): Volleyball Basketball Frisbee Curling January-March (Inside): Weight Room Sports
April- June (Inside): Hand Ball Rock Wall Field Hockey April-June (Outside): Archery Lacrosse Golf Soccer “Your Sport” Sports
What is “Your Sport” ? Basically you will be ask to create a Brand New sport using all the sports we have gone over in class and learned in the gym. This project will be due 2 nd to last week in June before Summer Vacation. Groups of two You will be teaching the class your New sport As we get into the year I will be giving out more detail on what is required Sports
Homework is worth 5 points If you complete all of your homework assignments you will be able to do an extra credit if needed. 1 miss homework assignment = 0points (cannot be made up) 1 late homework assignment = 2.5points (only 1 late day) For example “Miss M, last night my printer broke, can I hand it in tomorrow?” The answer will be yes for half credit. However if you do not turn it in by the next day it will be a Zero. Homework: The Break Down
Class Schedule Date:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 9/4GymIn Class:Gym:In Class:Fun Friday 9/5GymIn ClassGym:In Class:Gym 9/6GymIn ClassGymIn ClassFun Friday 9/7Gym:In ClassGym:In ClassGym 9/8GymIn ClassGym:In ClassFun Friday 9/11GymIn ClassGymIn ClassGym 9/12GymIn ClassGymIn ClassFun Friday
My My My phone #: Any Questions?