South East Asia Next Generation Internet Present at APAN 2003 in Busan, KOREA
ABSTRACT South East Asia (SEA) Cluster or SEA Broadband Drafted Plan was presented and formed at APAN 2003 Fukuoka Conference in February 2003 by APAN Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand Group. It is developed in parallel with other Broadband Cluster in Asia Region. Two SEA Cluster Meeting had been arranged in Bangkok in March and June. SEA Cluster partners, parties and activities are identified. Drafted Plan is proposed to each country government. SEA Cluster was one of the meeting agenda of Thailand and Malaysia Prime Minister meeting in Langkawi. This plan is supported by the governments. SEA Cluster is about to start with 8 to 45 Mbps Research and Education Backbone among Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand by the year 2004.
South East Asia Hub (TH, MY, SG, ….) North East Asia Hub (JP, KR, CN, ….) Europe (Geant) North America (Internet 2, CA, *net) China Korea Japan Thailand Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Philipines Indonesia Oceania Hub Next Generation Internet in Asia: SEA Next Generation Internet and NEA Next Generation Internet SEA Next Generation Internet NEA Next Generation Internet Access Point Vietnam B-band Linking NEA to SEA
ThaiSarn EdNet AIT TEMAN MDC Singaren Next Generation Internet in South East Asia Activities Research and Education Network Regional Internet Exchange Trial Regional IPv6 Trial Develop New Applications on Internet 8-45 Mbps
R&E Network is Basic Infra. in Regional Capacity Building R&E Network Global Info Network HRD Network Research Network Knowledge Network Regional Info Network People Network