RBM Executive Committee Report & Vision First-ever EC; only 6 months of work together; experiment of sorts Up to next Board & Chair/VC as to whether another EC will be formed; VC or Chair can assign of that committee to another Board member to Chair; Hope to have set precedent for working together, streamline decision making processes, make interim action possible; networking ability Recommend: Secretariat staff to be allocated to EC; that it not be enlarged; that it have one meeting in person per quarter
Performance Constant theme: shared purpose, work plan and workload…reliant on each other and sustained effort is always borrowed 4 tiers of performance: (1) Secretariat; (2) Hosting; (3) RBM Working Groups; (4) Macro Indicators (Abuja Goals, Dakar Milestones, Scorecard, GF performance, HWG) * Considerations in Evaluation: appropriately funded & staffed See EC approved criteria re: Secretariat performance indicators Hosting, tier 2, will be refined end of May at MOU evaluation MOTION: Establishment of Board Subcommittee on Performance
RBM Working Groups Classify WG products and budgets for May 2007-May 2008 period so that they support the Partnership mission of: " To work together to enable sustained delivery and use of the most effective prevention and treatment for those affected most by malaria by promoting increased investment in health systems and incorporation of malaria control into all relevant multi-sector activities". Parameters: Are work-plans and products “relevant, timely, SUFI-aligned and are groups properly funded, mobilized, organized and engaged” - or is there is better use of time and resources. –IF YES, confirm work-plan, functions, approve/re-allocate budget –IF NO, advise on direction, co-join or transition to technical WGs In particular, consensus-building Working Groups may want to outline products and provide required expertise through its Harmonization WG, to meet it short term performance targets of: –50% GFATM Round 7 application success rate (80% in the 19 countries receiving focused support) –100% Phase 2 GF malaria grant renewal rates –80% of "A" scores in implementing existing resources What’s missing is focal point mechanism that correlates and connects the work of all WG’s. WG
Governance EC formed, individual membership confirmed, mechanisms established for communication with Board New Board members elected for May 2007 Consultations with GMP clarifying roles and responsibilities between RBM WGs and Technical Expert Groups EC approved additional NGO seat (North); Board verified in electronic vote Hosting Evaluation - end of May Working Groups have initiated the work-planning process in line with November recommendations Overall work-planning and budgeting (and then financing) products and goals as a full annual process solidified MOTION: Alternating transition years between Chair & Vice Chair; propose this Vice Chair term run for only one year.
Secretariat Secretariat staffing – 23/24 out of 29 FTEs in post ; only 4 of which are FTs ; delays in post descriptions + recruitment; still operating on close to November 2006 staff levels Secondments! EC recommendations/discussions –Quick Financing Facility (COO/CFO; quarterly donor meeting) –Board relations/support –Enlarged HWG network, staffing and support –Research WG/Future Technology Focus –US Satellite
Implementation | Transparency Various Instruments in Process: PSCWG: commodity tracking; –Partnership tool exists….Question is: How we input accurate data on a recurrent basis and who manages the warehouse, with which resources Mapping Scorecard Dakar Appeal
Next EC Achieve 2007 Partnership targets – Round 7 ; improved performance at country level Continue to close financial gaps at country level SUPPLY New donors Specific attention to MAWG Ensure performance tiers 2 & 4 (Host & Macro indicators) are developed and integrated: Establish Permanent hosting situation Accountability - deploy tools that measure partner performance –Roll out Malaria Indicator Survey; –Resolution on Scorecard –Institute global mapping system for advocacy and transparency purposes Formal election process? Decisions on 3 WG’s + HWG work-plan expansion - July 1, 2007
Performance and Governance MOTION: Establishment of Board Subcommittee on Performance Alternating transition years between Chair & Vice Chair; propose this Vice Chair term run for only one year.