SRSA 2 INTRODUCTION The 2012–2016 Strategic Plan and the 2012/13 Annual Performance Plan was developed with the overall view to ensure that Sport and Recreation South Africa addresses Government priorities, the mandate of the department, and the strategic direction emanated from the National Sport and Recreation Plan (NSRP). The purpose of the Annual Performance Plan is to operationalise the Strategic Plan. Both documents were developed according to the Framework for the development of Strategic and Annual Performance Plans issued by National Treasury.
SRSA 3 INTRODUCTION cont… SRSA will implement the Strategic Plan through the following programmes: Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Sport Support Services Programme 3: Mass Participation Programme 4: International Relations Programme 5: Facilities Coordination It is however recognised that the current structure of SRSA does not allow for delivery on its mandate and the implementation of the NSRP. This was also recognised by National Treasury and the AG.
SRSA 4 INTRODUCTION cont… The restructuring of the Department is therefore high on the agenda for the 2012/13 financial year. The restructuring will be informed by the strategic imperatives as captured in the Strategic Plan. SRSA has also identified risks for each Strategic Goal, current management controls were considered and where appropriate, mitigating strategies were developed to improve control deficiencies.
SRSA 5 FRAMEWORK The Strategic Plan comprises 3 sections: Part A: Strategic Overview that includes the Vision, Mission and Values of SRSA as well as: Constitutional, legislative and policy mandates Situational analysis Strategic outcome oriented goals of the institution Part B: Strategic Objectives of the 5 Programmes of SRSA Part C: Links to other Plans such as that of the Public Entities and the Conditional Grant
SRSA 6 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Vision: An active and winning sporting nation. Mission: To transform the delivery of sport and recreation by ensuring equitable access, development and excellence at all levels of participation and to harness the socio-economic contributions that can create a better life for all South Africans. Values: Accountability, Batho Pele, Dedication, Innovation, Integrity, Transparency and Teamwork
SRSA 7 Constitutional, legislative and policy mandates The functionality of SRSA is premised on the Constitution. The Minister has the legislative powers as reflected in the National Sport and Recreation Act to oversee the development and management of sport in SA. This includes promotion and development of sport and recreation, coordination of the relationships between NFs and other agencies, provision for interventions to correct imbalances in sport and recreation, and to promote equitable access and proper governance in sport and recreation. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 8 It is envisaged that the NSRA could be amended to appropriately align with the revised White Paper and the NSRP that was approved at the National Sports Indaba in November SRSA will continue to contribute towards transformation, rural development, job creation, a healthy life style, peace, economic growth and social cohesion. SRSA is a signatory to the Outcome 12(b): “An Empowered, Fair and Inclusive Citizenship”. Here the focus will be on increasing opportunities for participation and facilitating intra-governmental support for major international events hosted in SA. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 9 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont... Goals The Strategic Plan has 6 goals namely: 1)Citizens access sport and recreation activities. 2)A transformed sport and recreation sector. 3)Our athletes achieving international success. 4)An integrated system of enablers supporting the delivery of sport and recreation. 5)Sport being used as a tool to support relevant government priorities. 6)An efficient and effective SRSA. The said goals will be implemented through the APPs in the form of strategic objectives which are linked to the goals.
SRSA 10 Performance environment For SRSA to achieve its goals, it needs to work in partnerships with provincial departments, SASCOC, NFs, NGOs and two entities ( BSA and SAIDS). The role of SRSA and the mandate it gives SASCOC needs to be tightened with clear roles and responsibilities being delineated and adhered to. The NFs are acknowledged as the key delivery agents for the Department yet with high dependence on volunteers and a serious lack of sustainable financial resources. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 11 The focus in many federations tends to be on elite participation at the expense of holistic sports development. With the introduction of the Transformation Charter and Scorecard it is anticipated that transformation will be better understood and effectively applied. Further focus will also be on the National Sports Volunteer Call that the Minister introduced in February a programme aimed at engaging former sports legends and talented community members to assist in developing sport. SRSA has a database of the volunteers used during 2010 FIFA World Cup and these volunteers will be utilised during the impending AFCON Games in PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 12 SRSA will continue to use national and international sporting events such as the Olympic and Paralympics Games and World Cups to showcase SA as a sports tourist destination in support of the New Growth Path framework that was launched in 2012, as well as identified tourism and the green economy as significant job drivers (SONA, 2012). Another strategic issue to be addressed is the fact that many NFs have structures and concomitant boundaries that do not align with the geo-political constitutional boundaries at national, provincial and local levels. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 13 Club development and support tend to have been fragmented across the programmes of SRSA. In collaboration with NFs, initiatives to support and strengthen existing clubs will be brought together under one programme to maximise the impact of these interventions. Sport seems to have been promoted at the expense of recreation. SRSA will address this issue during the period of this strategic plan. The current mass participation programmes will be expanded to include the promotion and implementation of recreation programmes. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 14 School sport School sport remains the bedrock for mass participation and talent identification programmes. The Ministers of DBE and SRSA have committed to deliver an integrated plan for school sport through a MOU signed in December DBE has gazetted a School Sport Policy which, once adopted, will serve to clarify roles of the school sport structures and bring certainty to stakeholder roles and responsibilities. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 15 School sport cont... SRSA will continue to focus on empowering educators in code specific coaching, technical officiating, team management and sports administration through the federations and in line with the SA Coaching Framework. It will also focus on integrating 16 sporting codes and indigenous games into the school sport system over the medium term with the alignment of school code structures and federation structures. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 16 School sport cont... The rollout of the schools programme will be underpinned by three pillars: namely, capacity building, the Top Schools Leagues and Youth Olympics. SRSA will coordinate a Top School League Programme which will involve schools registering their teams to participate in the Leagues‘ five competition levels, leading to the National School Festivals. These competitions will be at the levels of Intra-School, Inter-school, District, Provincial and National. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 17 School sport cont… The South African Youth Olympics will focus on talented individual athletes who will be identified by professional talent scouts, sports clubs and Federations during the roll-out of the Top School League. The SA Youth Olympics is earmarked for 2013, where athletes with outstanding performance will be given the opportunity to compete for selection for international championships. This system will assist the SRSA in growing a new talent pool and to recognize talented individuals. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 18 School sport cont… South African Coaching Framework adopted in November 2011, will be used by SRSA to support Federations to launch their coaching programmes nationally and provincially. These coaching programmes will target educators to enhance their capacity through accredited training in coaching, technical officiating, sports administration and team management to support the delivery of sport in all schools. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 19 School sport cont… There is still an absence of facilities in most rural schools and communities (including rugby fields and cricket ovals). Another challenge is the shortage of suitable sporting equipment and kit. To address this, SRSA will develop norms and standards regarding the specifications of what can be purchased and distributed. There is a clear need to maintain integrity in school sport by putting firm anti-doping measures and education in place. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 20 Mass Participation The capacity to effectively monitor the implementation of the Mass Participation and Sport Development Conditional Grant still remains a challenge as are the terms of the Grant and the relevance of devising a smooth exit strategy. Monitoring the Grant in the Provinces must be strengthened and the Department has established a focused task team to manage and monitor the grant. The Mass Participation Programme is a key contributor to job creation. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 21 Mass Participation cont… Provinces are allowed to utilise 6% of their allocated funds from the conditional grant to employ officials to assist in the management of the grant and the implementation of the mass participation programme at a grass roots level. SRSA will support BEE service providers through the purchasing of gym equipment, sport attire, catering, consultants, IT equipment and other services. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 22 Facilities The ring-fencing of 15 % of the Public Municipal Service Infrastructure component of MIG towards building sport facilities in rural areas, as gazetted in May 2011, was an important step to address the shortage of sports infrastructure in municipalities. The Department will work closely with CoGTA, SALGA and municipalities to maximise the use of these funds for sports infrastructure in the years ahead whilst pursuing the feasibility that these funds become part of the Department’s budget. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 23 Facilities cont… The facilities programme is expected to develop a national facilities plan and to establish the tool (Geographical Information System [GIS]) to assist with the development of the plan. In rural areas, it is envisaged that the sports hubs will be furnished with a library, a clinic and a youth centre whilst centres located in urban areas could include restaurants, hotels and shops, amongst other necessities. PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 24 Organisational Environment The Department has a total of 210 posts, all of which are funded positions. The current organisational structure does not adequately support the revised strategy of the Department and to rectify this dilemma a more suitable and expanded structure is being developed. SRSA will not fill current vacancies until the restructuring phase ends in April PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW cont...
SRSA 25 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic objectives The strategic objectives are informed by the goals. The strategic objectives are detailed in the APP. Each programme has got strategic objectives which are written in an output statement.
SRSA 26 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont… SRSA Programmes Programme 1: Administration Purpose: To manage, give strategic direction and administrative support services. Sub programmes: The Ministry, Management (Office of the DG and COO), Strategic and Executive Support, Corporate Services, Office of the Chief Financial Officer’s Office, Internal Audit and Office Accommodation.
SRSA 27 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont… Programme 2: Sport Support Services Purpose: To support recognised sport and recreation bodies and public entities, and monitor and report on their performance. Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers Strategic objectives: Governance and sports development monitored. Transformation programmes implemented and monitored. Team South Africa preparation and delivery supported.
SRSA 28 PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont… Sub-programme: Club Development Strategic objective: Clubs developed. Sub-programme: Education and Training Strategic objective: Education and training of coaches, administrators and technical officials coordinated. Sub-programme: Scientific Support Services Strategic objectives: Scientific support services coordinated for development athletes and their coaches. Government responsibility towards anti-doping supported.
SRSA 29 Programme 3: Mass Participation Programme Purpose: To provide support to increase the number of participants in sport and recreation in SA. Sub programme: Community Mass Participation Strategic objectives: Sport participation opportunities provided. Community structures supported. Capacity building to deliver community sport. PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont…
SRSA 30 Programme 3: Mass Participation Programme Sub programme: School Sport Strategic objectives: Access to sport recreation and physical education in every school in South Africa maximised Capacity building to deliver school sport PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont…
SRSA 31 Programme 4: International Liaison and Events Purpose: To coordinate inter-and intra- government sport and recreation relations and support the hosting of identified major events. Sub programmes: International Liaison Strategic objectives: Strategic bilateral relations initiated and strengthened International travel documentation service provided. Sub programmes: Major Events Strategic objectives: Major event bidding and hosting support services provided. Sports tourism promoted. PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont…
SRSA 32 Programme 5: Facilities Coordination Purpose: To facilitate the provision and management of sustainable sport and recreation facilities. Sub programmes: Planning and Advocacy Strategic objective: Access to sport and recreation facilities optimized. Sub programmes: Technical Support Strategic objective: Technical support provided PART B: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES cont…
SRSA 33 Conditional Grants Mass participation and Sports Development Public Entities SAIDS BSA Public-Private Partnerships None PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS