DISCIPLINE “OK, here are your options: jump and discover the joy of flight, or don’t jump and I’ll kick your butt out of the tree. What kind of teaching is this?
3 R’s of punishment: 1.RESENTMENT 2.REVENGE 3.RETREAT
Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make a child do better, first we have to make them feel worse.
Children do better when they feel better!
TYPES OF PARENTING or TEACHING: Permissive: –Freedom without order –No restriction, rules –No consequences Creates a manipulative personality, aggression, and independence.
TYPES OF PARENTING or TEACHING: Authoritative (Democratic): –Mutual Respect –Cooperation –Freedom with Order Creates a self disciplined child who is responsible for own actions.
TYPES OF PARENTING or TEACHING: Authoritarian External Control Punishment Order without freedom
WHY DO CHILDREN MISBEHAVE? A misbehaving child is a discouraged child. Why?
MISBEHAVIOR: Is based on a child’s mistaken interpretation of how to find BELONGING & SIGNIFICANCE
4 GOALS OF MISTAKEN BEHAVIOR: 1. Attention 2. Power 3. Revenge 4. Give-up
Most common reason for misbehavior:
KEEP RULES SHORT & SIMPLE 1.Be nice to teacher and classmates 2.Raise hand to speak 3. Walk in halls
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE… Be silent or whisper
Resist giving attention to the disruptor –“Someone is disturbing the class”
Move closer, place hand on shoulder
Involve them!!!
Talk privately –“What can I do to get your help?”
ALWAYS REMEMBER : MISTAKES R WUNDERFULL OPPERTUNITEEZ 2 LERN! –Recognize your mistake –Reconcile “I’m sorry” –Resolve: Focus on solutions rather than blame.
Solution to All Misbehavior: Spend special time With the child each day!
Solution to Attention Problems: Ignore if possible Give attention when good Redirect Logical consequences Choices
Solution to Power Problems: Withdraw Cool off Problem solve together Win cooperation Act
4 Steps for Winning Cooperation: 1.Get into child’s world Check it out 2.Show understanding 3.Share your feelings 4.Find a solution together
Solution to Revenge Problems: Withdraw from revenge cycle Win child over Solve the problem Take away items they could destroy Apologize if needed
Solution to Inadequacy Problems: Avoid pity Encourage & train Create small successes Don’t give up
Believe that children are basically GOOD!
Make sure the message of LOVE always gets through:
TIMING: It is impossible to solve problems at the time of CONFLICT!
LISTEN FIRST: Children will listen to you after they feel listed to.
NATURAL & LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES: NATURAL: Simply happen naturally –No coat = cold LOGICAL: Are decided upon and imposed by parents or teachers
LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES: One needs to be: –Firm –Calm –Positive toward child
No laughing at…
No teasing or humiliation
No threatening
No frightening
TIME OUT: An alternative to spanking. 1.Gives child time to calm down & time to think about the correct way to act. 2.Child is moved away from others – an effective consequence. Only use if child is out of control, hurting others or destroying things.
TIME OUT GUIDELINES: Choose a location that is dull and away from others. Use time out immediately after misbehavior occurs. Length of time = 1 minute for each year of age. Don’t’ talk to child until afterwards (Make sure they understand the “WHY”). Reward good behavior after time out, as soon as they do something positive.
DISCIPLINE STEPS: 1.Redirect 2.Check it out 3.Speak to the child about the problem 4.Give choices 5.Use logical or natural consequences 6.Use time out if still out of control
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE: Have rules and remind them often
No picking children up
No insults
No swinging children