Know why students leave Intervene to prevent attrition Deliver desired experiences Reframe the significance of attrition Organize to address retention issues Track at risk students Promise only what we can deliver The 8 Retention Dimensions
Enroll Students Likely to Persist Screening questionnaire online for potential students Student navigators to give initial information and answer questions to assist students to chose the best delivery.
Know Why Students Leave Review statistics from 2009 forward Identify and classify reasons for attrition Engage faculty and staff in identifying what factors we can influence and which ones we cannot
Intervene to Prevent Attrition Refer students to college services such as student life for counseling Create an IA mentoring role Send support to clinical site for up to 9 hours of 1:1 Create a Student Advisor Position
Deliver Desired Experiences Discuss student feedback survey results with the instructor Inservices for instructional staff to ensure consistency of skill instruction Encourage all instructional staff to take ISW. Inservice component to staff meetings Classroom and lab visits to observe teaching Design and deliver high impact learning experiences
Reframe Significance of Attrition Inservice staff on funding based on FLE Brainstorm reasons for attrition at staff meeting Review course withdrawal stats for cause of withdrawal Make plans to decrease attrition in highest withdrawal areas over which we have influence Set a goal for attrition level based on provincial and national averages
Organize to Address Retention Issues Work with FHCS on a faculty wide plan Review past strategies Create a time line for past, present and future strategies
Track at Risk Students Track attendance for mandatory Lab and Clinical Practicum Awareness of students that have rewritten exams two times Meet with students and use LIPs in a constructive way Report concerns to program Chair Refer students to IA Mentor or Student Advisor
Promise Only What We Can Deliver Student navigator to ensure students know the program requirements and prerequisites and requisites Discussion re PIC and process; redesign PIC waiver Transparency regarding locations of Clinical Practicums
References Eight Dimensions of Retention 2014 Maguire Associates.