Case John really likes his teacher, but feels confused on major topics and instructions within the course. John had a mandatory English Literature course for his college diploma. He has never been a big fan of literature and therefore doesn’t feel very motivated to complete the course. Additionally John doesn’t feel very competent about successfully completing the 3000 words essay due at the end of the course - accounting for 50% of his grade, which adds to his concerns. Additionally, the other 50% of the grade is reliant on group work - in which John also feels nervous; as he has no prior literary experience in comparison to the others within the group. Making him hesitant to share his ideas.
Case Analysis - 3min Think individually or in pairs about: 1) What kind problems John is confronting? 2) Based on the readings, can you find any examples of regulation of his behavior? 3) Based on examples from the readings, can you think of a solution model for the situation
Case Analysis Share your ideas
Case Analysis - our solution John is clearly suffering issues related to poor SRL. As established by Wolters, even though motivation is interdependent with SRL it can also be distinguished.In this case, motivational strategy improvement would be the appropriate initiative to improve John’s SRL; and in turn improve his enjoyment, and more importantly his learning in the course. The first step toward solving this problem is not suffering alone. Because John likes this teacher he should also trust them and go them with is concerns. Where the teacher can initiate the right steps toward motivation regulation. As stated by Wolters, Students who lack the prerequisite knowledge of motivation fail to use particulars strategies for regulating that motivation. Thus the first step would include explicit strategies for motivation regulation..
Our Solution - Cont. Situational awareness: Teacher can attempt to create situational interest by inviting John to a book club - or John himself can create situational interest by enrolling on a book club. This can lead to an individual interest, which in turn will help in supporting the development of mastery goals. Self-handicapping methods: In regards to the essay, John could employ a self-handicapping method. By delaying work, John has an excuse (lack of time spent) to protect his self- efficacy beliefs and self-esteem if the work is graded badly. Due to this, his complete withdrawal from the task is stopped and he is able to focus on completing the task to the best of his ability (removing performance goal worries from the situation). However, self-handicapping is a maladaptive activity because it impedes John’s optimal ability to complete the task. Although, one could argue that using self-handicapping is better than not completing the task at all.
Our Solution - Cont. Self efficacy skills: he can start to perform a self-efficacy talk in which he convinces himself that he can do it because he likes the subject and has enough knowledge about the topics. Wolters states that students use this strategy and engage in thoughts or subvocal statements aimed at influencing their efficacy for an ongoing academic task. emotional regulation In addition, he needs to regulate his emotions while working in groups, and face his social-emotional challenges with the help of the teacher and his classmates as well. According to Järvenoja and Jarvella: Socio-emotional challenges are typically higher than in conventional learning situations. These challenges can act as obstacles to motivated actions in different phases of collaboration
Our Solution - Cont. co-regulation: A solution for his group problem could come from one of his group members. For example, a group member called Alice could notice that John is quiet and discretely talk to him as the others continue to debate the book. John confides in Alice that he feels nervous about sharing his ideas on the book. Alice assures him that she had the same feeling and fears as well – but that there is no wrong way to interpret the book and that all ideas can spark knew thoughts in the group. Upon hearing this, John’s anxiety about contributing in the discussion is lessened and he is able to finally start participating in the collaborative process.
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