Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Journal 2/3/15: What are the 3 most important qualities a woman should have? What are the 3 most important qualities a man should have?
Agenda: Journal: Most important qualities – What are the differences? Similarities? Why are there differences? Gender Roles: – What have you heard? – Toys (Are they gender specific?) – Media/Advertisements HOMEWORK: – Read “No Unmarked Woman” for Wednesday. When you leave you will have: -discussed the role of gender stereotypes.
Gender Roles in Magazine Ads Dig through the magazines. Find an ad that intrigues you. Tear it out (neatly). Determine if it: – Targets a specific gender (or is neutral) – Addresses a gender role/stereotype
Hi! You need: Pencil/pen A Long Way Gone Learning Log No journal today! Don’t unpack, but get your stuff ready. We’re headed to the library as soon as I go over instructions.
Agenda: Journal: No journal Library: – Research the psychological and physiological effects of drugs. – Research the symptoms and effects of withdrawal. – Connect this information to chapter 16 of A Long Way Gone Learning Log: What is one thing you found intriguing today? HOMEWORK: – One Pagers due: Chase (5), Sarah (6-7), Aaron (8), Joe (9), Kayla (10), Matt (13), Jacob S. (14), Austyn (15), Eric (16) – Journal explode = Friday (2/6) When you leave you will have: -completed short/sustained research in regards to A Long Way Gone.
Vocab words 8-14 Jubilation Profusely Subsided Eavesdrop Eager Reverie Tributary
Theme Analysis Poster Theme Topic: _______________________ Names: Evidence of the theme over the course of the text: (must have text evidence from chapters 1-5, 6-10, 11-15) How this evidence shows the theme topic: What theme statement is Beah making? How does this apply to the world?