Is there is more to take away food than this??
Healthy Festival Food. Design brief You are to design and make a range of meals or snacks you could serve at a festival. They must be healthy, quick to make and reflect a foodie or cultural theme of your choice.
Healthy Festival Food. You will trial and test during the food tech lessons We will make pizza, stir fry, curry, bolognese, desserts and within these products you will be able to change and adapt the recipe to suit your theme and brief You will need to show your changes and how you adapt a given recipe. You will need to use the eatwell plate and show how healthy your product is. At the end of the project you will hand in independent work that describes your chosen theme with menus, logos, festival information, independent making with photo evidence as well as a complete diary of making with evaluations. You will need to work independently both in school and at home.
Research Today you will research the following……. What type of festivals What type of foods or theme you could have. Why is it important for young people to be healthy? How will you serve your food? What extra serving items will you need? What are going to be the problems with serving/storing ingredients? How will you cook your products? Ideas for menus/logos/vans What will make your outlet unique?
You will need to hand in…….. A description of your festival – where is it? what type? who buys the tickets, what goes on over the weekend etc What is your foodie theme? And what made you choose it? What on your menu? – examples of products please Van? Facilities? Plates? Take away? Seating? Cooking facilities? Name? logo? I want to see extended writing that shows your opinions and ideas. I want to see your research linked to making and linked to brief. If possible I would like to see examples of independent making. You can produce this project using drawings, handwriting, the computer – its up to you. Don’t forget – book a tutorial with me to discuss progress. Homework Task
Pizza design ideas Today you will complete a set of design ideas that reflect your chosen theme. They will need to be annotated with ingredients and their properties. You idea must be explained and you must link it to your theme or chosen festival food. Use the eatwell plate to make sure your ideas are healthy and you are able to make links as to why it is suitable for the design brief. Look at the examples of GCSE design work.
Objective………. Identify the skills needed to make a pizza and record. Work with accuracy and independence to make a quality pizza Evaluate your lesson and pizza. Pizza Making – Practical lesson
What equipment did you use? What did you make today? What ingredients did you use? – with quantities please. Identify the food groups used in your making today. What skills did you use today? What have you filled in on the skills log? What advice would you give to someone making this product? How does your pizza link to your chosen theme? Is this a healthy product? Explain why/why not. Pizza Was your product successful? Why/why not ?
Objective……… make a creative stir fry using your own detailed plan recognise the properties of a stir fry and show how you will achieve a successful product in your plan demonstrate skilful and accurate knife skills Stir fry - planning
Stir fry - making Objective……… make a creative stir fry using your own detailed plan demonstrate skilful and accurate knife skills Show excellent team working to achieve a quality product
Stir fry What did you make today? What cooking skills did you use today? What advice would you give to someone making this product? Explain the team working aspect of the lesson – was it successful? What was the level of challenge you set yourself today? Score from 1-5 and explain your score. How does your stir fry link to your chosen theme? How healthy was your stir fry? How could you make it healthier?
Sauce for pasta, rice or potatoes– Planning lesson Objective……… develop your own recipe using the books/internet for a sauce for pasta, rice or potatoes – linked to your festival food research. fully explain your idea and show your development. produce a plan of making showing H&S and timings.
Sauce for pasta, rice or potatoes– Practical lesson Objective……… select and use confidently a range of tools and equipment to make a chilli, curry, bolognese that links to your festival food. demonstrate skilful and accurate knife skills and new techniques. work accurately and with independence.
What did you make today? How does this making link to your festival foodie theme? What did you enjoy about the lesson? What did you like about your finished product? How will you serve it during the festival? Today was independent working. Was this good for you ? Explain.. What skills did you show today? How could you develop your product? What was the level of challenge you set yourself today? Score from 1-5 and explain your score.
Design ideas for cheesecakes /desserts Objective……… Develop a set of design ideas which clearly show how you can change and adapt a recipe. Annotate your ideas fully explaining your choice and function of ingredients.
Cheesecake Challenge Today you are asked to complete a set of design ideas for cheesecakes and layered desserts. You must try to link to your festival or a festival idea. Use the recipe books to help with your ideas. Making lesson – you have 3 choices…… 1.Make my recipe as it is with your choice of toppings 2.Make my recipe but change the biscuits, add to the creamy bit in the middle, change the construction, add your choice to the toppings 3.Find your own recipe for a no bake cheesecake in the books or the internet. Change it and make it your own new recipe. Make it original and creative.