Personal Health By: Jessica Hunt, Mikey Garber, and Shannon Petry
Hygiene Brush your teeth Wash your hands Shower everyday Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough Sleep hours a night
Brushing your teeth Always brush your teeth in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed! Floss after you brush your teeth to keep your gums healthy. Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque(a sticky substance that gets on your teeth).
Washing your hands ALWAYS put soap on your hands when you wash them! Scrub your hands together under warm water for at least 20 seconds! This gets rid of germs that have gotten on your hands throughout the day. Always wash your hands before you eat!
Showering Make sure you shower every night before bed or in the morning before school! Use body wash to clean your body Use shampoo to clean your hair! Rinse everything off when you’re done!
Cover your mouth When you sneeze or cough always cover your mouth When you sneeze or cough germs spread that can get you or others sick Get a tissue when you sneeze and cough into your sleeve.
Sleep You should get at least 11 hours of sleep during the night and throughout the day. Sleep helps your body stay healthy and repair itself from the days work. It keeps you from being grumpy in the morning and throughout the day. Sleep helps you focus during school!
Exercise Always stretch before exercising! Cardio exercise(running, jumping) will help you be strong and healthy! Always wear tennis shoes when you exercise to support your feet. Try sports! They are fun and can help you stay healthy. Always respect sports and gym equipment!
Nutrition Eat foods that are good for you! Take vitamins to keep you from getting sick! Have your mom or dad look at food labels to see what the ingredients are Always eat your fruits and vegetables! Eat sweets and other junk food in moderation, they can hurt your body if you eat them too much.
Healthy Foods Vegetables: Green beans, corn, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, potatoes. Fruits: Apples, pears, grapes, bananas These foods help you stay strong and to keep you from getting sick! These foods also have vitamins that help you grow and stay healthy.
Questions When should you brush your teeth? When should you shower? What are some fruits and vegetables that you know? Do sports help you stay healthy? Why is sleep important?