Thursday, September 11, 2014
Today we stop to remember September 11 thirteen years ago when our nation came under attack. The day taught us not to take anything for granted – and it especially taught us to be prepared. One of the ways you can prepare is by ensuring you’re connected. The Baldwin County Public Schools Smart Phone App and the Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Smart Phone App help you to do just that. You can find out more at special Patriot’s Day Message has been prepared for you.
Attention Foley High Students: Do you have an award winning singing voice? The Shrimp Festival Idol Competition wants you! If you are selected to compete, you can win up to a $1,000 scholarship, as well as $1,000 for our school. Each school in the Baldwin County district will send one singer to compete in this year’s Shrimp Festival Idol competition. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, October 1. Sign ups are outside the choir room door. Please see Mr. Ham in Room 418 for details.
Are you interested in traveling to Costa Rica in the spring? The Global Student Leaders Summit will be held in San Jose, Costa Rica March 20-28, Student leaders from around the world will meet to address environmental sustainability. There will be an informational meeting on September 16 at 6 pm in the library for interested students and their parents.
If you are planning to bring a date to the FHS Homecoming Dance, you must fill out a Guest Approval form. These are lengthy and take some time to complete. Please pick up and fill out the application and take it to your alpha principal BEFORE attempting to purchase tickets. Guest Approval forms may be picked up outside room 404 Mrs. Houston or in the AP Wing office.
The deadline for ordering Homecoming shirts is Friday. If you have not ordered yours, do so today! See Mrs. Cody in room 210 or Ms. Andersen in room 402 to get yours. The shirts are $14.
All new students, peer helpers want to welcome you to our school. Please remember to join us during your lunch wave today for free dessert in the library. Bring your invitation to the Simply Sweet VIP Social. We have another treat for you there, so be sure to come!
The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 15 here at Foley High School. This is the perfect way to practice for the ACT and/or SAT. Also, VERY important for juniors—in order to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program, you MUST take the PSAT your junior year. See Mrs. Lores in the 900 Hall Office to register before October 3. The cost is $15.
Are you into cooking? Then why not try your talents in the annual Foley High School Sweet Potato Cook Off on Thursday, September 18 th ? See Mrs. Leverett in room 412 for a contest application. But you better hurry as applications must be returned to her by Friday. The winner of the FHS Sweet Potato Cook Off will go on to compete at our county fair in Robertsdale on September 25 after school.
Attention Lighthouse Youth Task Force members: Please plan to meet with Ms. Carver in Mrs. Beverly’s office today or Friday during your Skinny block.
The Student/Faculty Dodgeball Game will be held on Tuesday, September 16 in the gym. Tickets are $2 and may be purchased in the cafeteria beginning Monday during all lunch waves.
Seniors and Juniors: The University of West Alabama will be in the conference room TODAY during all lunch waves.