Who is Going to Take Over My Practice? July 11, 2011 Timothy I. Michel, CPA M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
PositionNumber CEO/Managing Partner ___ Service line or industry leader ___ Practice Partner ___ COO/Firm Administrator ___ Department head (HR, IT, Mktg.) ___
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value PositionNumber CEO/Managing Partner ___ Service line or industry leader ___ Practice Partner ___ COO/Firm Administrator ___ Department head (HR, IT, Mktg.) ___
Leadership and management Established relationships Knowledge and expertise Work ethic Ability to deliver value M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
Long-term viability of the firm Loss of clients Loss of knowledge and expertise Loss of established relationships Affordability of partner buy-outs Providing ongoing leadership, management and business development Growing the firm’s value Retaining firm succession options
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Aging Baby-boomer partners and key department leaders Leadership program is often lacking Future partner candidates Some have left public accounting Many are not willing to make the commitment Many firms have not addressed their issues Result - M&A opportunities
Regarding multi-owner firms: 63% will have succession issues within 5 years Only 35% have a succession plan in place 41% have a partner track program in place M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
Year = 2003 Top 100 firm – average growth = 12% About 25 shareholders, 10 offices, 200 people Polled partner group re: retirement plans Close to one-half retiring within 10 years
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Question – How do we create enough leaders to replace those who are retiring and provide for future growth? Determine the super-stars Rea NextGen program Manager and Senior workshops Coaching – mentoring – training emphasis – awards Addressed specific issues Create the Rea Academy
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Discuss the succession issues facing firms Review approaches to address succession Discuss structural, cultural and operational solutions
Does your firm have a formal written succession plan in place identifying specific upcoming retirements and plans to transition the clients, knowledge and relationships of the retirees? Yes ___ No ___ M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
First generation partners Desire to pass on something of value Book of business = security blanket Trusted advisor relationships A loss of status, position, value or worth Like estate planning, it is easy to put off
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Easier to ignore than deal with Our people are busy and committed You can’t replace the person or the passion Kickback from clients “No one is ready or willing to step up” The firm hasn’t addressed training Perhaps not a priority to retiring partner
1. Poll partners and department heads 2. Create a firm succession timetable 3. Require individual transition plans 4. Prepare an overall firm plan 5. Provide for accountability
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Poll partners and department heads *** Desired retirement date Full or partial retirement Current roles and responsibilities Client relationships Specialized knowledge, expertise, certifications Important relationships Potential successors and their state of readiness Short-term contingency issues
Create a succession timetable *** Paints a picture of the succession issue Raises awareness among the partners Place succession as a firm priority M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
Require individual written transition plans, detailing *** Specific successors Transition steps to be completed Assignments and timelines
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Prepare an overall written firm succession plan, including The key-person retirement schedule A firm impact report The plan to mitigate risks related to specific retirements A means of accountability
Generally, my firm begins the formal transition process from a retiring partner/department head to his/her successor at the following time frame before retirement: ___ Not specific___ 3 years ___ 1 year___ 4 years ___ 2 years___ 5 years
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Has your firm defined roles, responsibilities and attributes for positions of leadership (CEO/MP, COO, Services line and industry niche leaders, department heads, etc.)? Yes___ No ___
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Define the role based upon the firm’s needs Create a profile of the position Determine the candidates Do personality profiling of candidates Interview candidates & make selection Transition Clients Referral sources Key relationships Knowledge and expertise
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value My firm operating agreements require an equity owner to retire at: ___ Age 65 ___ Social security normal retirement age ___ Not addressed in the agreement ___ Other
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value My firm operating agreements require an owner to give the following notice before retirement : ___ Not specific___ 3 years ___ 1 year___ 4 years ___ 2 years___ 5 years
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Operating and owner agreement provisions Require adequate notice Consider death, disability, early and normal retirement, involuntary withdrawal Covenant-not- to-compete clauses Clients Staff Realistic and fair valuation methods Require continual cooperation and goodwill
1. Create a partner development program Define desired partner attributes Define the core competencies needed Introduce attributes and competencies into staff development Identify superstars Provide training, development and coaching *** 2. Create a contract partner position Flexible plan defining their role, number of hours and the determination of pay Always at the firm’s discretion
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Has your firm developed a formal program to allow retiring partners to continue with the firm as an employee or in a similar capacity on a reduced schedule? Yes___ No ___
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value Has your firm developed a formal leadership development program or partner development program, either in-house or in conjunction with outside programs? Yes___ No ___
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value 3. Other partner items Utilize income-partner-in-training program Provide an easy partner buy-in and buy-out 4. Promote the right partner behavior Increase leverage Delegate challenging work Train and coach staff Share relationships with clients, business referrals and distribution channels
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value 5. Plug the 6-8 year exodus from the profession Share the best parts of public accounting Relationships Clients Reward and recognition Have open discussions about the opportunities Involve them in firm matters Provide leadership, soft skill and BD training Offer an array of career opportunities Make it personal
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value 6. Make the partner role more appealing Lose the “It sucks to be you” syndrome Get partners to behave better – be a role model Create a career path that is attractive Make it fun, interesting, challenging & rewarding Inform staff about the partner world Inform staff that industry also has its demands Educate staff on the advantages Personal achievement and growth Good money Making a difference in people’s lives – clients, staff, and community
M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value 7. Joint partner/manager meetings – discuss issues and make them responsible for solutions 8. Tie transition steps to partner compensation 9. De-emphasize book-of-business model Promote – ‘Firm clients – firm resources’ Build a team to serve the clients Reward behavior through compensation
10. Create a firm structure and culture that promotes continual succession M ICHEL CONSULTING GROUP LLC Creating Practice Value
11. Develop talented staff Communicate the firm vision Provide challenging work Hold them accountable for responsibilities Involve in decision making Timely performance feedback Provide advancement opportunities Training, coaching and mentoring Recognition and reward Make it fun