1 Mata Architecture for the Future Network APAN2008 January Myung-Ki SHIN, ETRI
2 Why Future Network ? The Future Network, which is anticipated to provide futuristic functionalities beyond the limitation of the current network including Internet, is getting a global attention in the field of communication network and services. We see a growing demand for following features: Scalability, security, mobility, Quality of Service (QoS), robustness, heterogeneity, economic incentives, etc. Also, the Future Network will be more deeply integrated and composed with new emerging technologies and services E.g., Intermittent network, DTN (Delay-Tolerant Network), vehicular/airborne network, programmable and cognitive networks
3 Assumption Incremental Design A system is moved from one state to another with incremental patches How should the Internet look tomorrow ? Clean-Slate Design The system is re-designed from scratch How should the Internet look in 15 year ? It is assumed that the current IPs shortcomings will not be resolved by conventional incremental and backward-compatible style designs. So, the Future Network designs must be made based on clean-slate approach.
4 Design Goals (1/4) Scalability Scalability issue is emerging as continuous growth of cultural demands for networking in the future. Routing and addressing architecture Multi-homing and PI routing Security The FN should be built on the premise that security must be protected from the plague of security breaches, spread of worms and spam, and denial of service attacks, etc.
5 Design Goals (2/4) Mobility The FN should support mobility of devices, services, users and/or groups of those as seamlessly, as it supports current wired and wireless Supporting New Devices/Networks Context-awareness Multi-homing and Seamless Switching Quality of Service The FN should support quality of service (QoS) from user and/or application perspectives.
6 Design Goals (3/4) Heterogeneity The FN should provide much better support for a broad range of applications/services and enable new applications/services. In addition, it should accommodate heterogeneous physical environments. Application/Service Heterogeneity Physical Media Heterogeneity Architecture Heterogeneity Robustness The FN should be robust, fault-tolerant and available as the wire-line telephone network is today. Re-configurability Manageability
7 Design Goals (4/4) Customizability The FN should be customizable along with various user requirements. Context-Aware Numbering and Content-Centric Service Service-Specific Overlay Control and Service Discovery Economic Incentives The FN shall provide economic incentives to the components/participants that contribute to the networking.
8 Building Blocks Meta architecture (diverse architecture) Architecture Mechanism Service/ applications
9 Internet vs. FN Applications TCP/UDP Physical Link IP Current Internet : Architecture – TCP/IP Mechanism – SNMP, IPsec … Application – Web, … Meta Architecture for the FN Application #1 Transport & Network #1 Link & Physical #1 Application #2 Transport & Network #2 Link & Physical #2 Application #N Transport & Network #N Link & Physical #N ….. FN : Meta Architecture : Architectures Architecture Architecture – TCP/IP, Intermittent X, …. Mechanism – SNMP, IPsec, Cognitive, Cooperative, … Application – Web, , Sensor, Vehicle/aircraft, Satellite …
10 Meta Architecture Network virtualization Realize virtual network with programmable network elements. Multiple architectures architecture or no architecture Federation of different architecture regions Heterogeneous networks with heterogeneous architectures connected with gateway Cross-layered architecture Violate strict layering abstraction Instead, use other layers functionalities (APIs) to do something efficiently Diverse models of the end-to-end principle
11 Network Virtualization De-ossifying the current Internet Multiple virtual networks co-exist on top of a shared substrate. Different virtual networks provide alternate end-to- end packet delivery systems and may use different protocols and packet formats. Easily programmable Can experiment on any level (optical to apps) E.g., GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations)
12 Different Arch. & Gateway Tie together heterogeneous networks Gateway spans multiple architecture regions that use different protocols Applications can communicate across multiple architecture regions E.g., DTN Bundle Layer and Gateway
13 Cross-layer Communication Avoid Layered Concept Exploit the dependency between protocol layers to obtain performance gains Direct communication between protocols at nonadjacent layers or sharing variables between layer Optimization Abstraction E.g., Cross-layer communication for wireless mobile network Create new interfaces between layers, redefine the layer boundaries, design protocol at a layer based on the details of how another layer is designed, joint tuning of parameters across layers, or create complete new abstraction
14 Diverse Communications Original E2E Communication Concerned with e2e services and protocols implemented in hosts, such as transport protocols and implementation architecture for high performance. EME (End-Middle-End) Communication While still end-to-end in many ways, connection establishment in the Internet today involves state and functionality in the middle in the form of NATs, firewalls, proxies and so on. The current Internet architecture does not reflect this resulting in a mismatch between design and practice. There are some signaling based solutions to connection establishment
15 Architecture Components Network addressing and naming Routing protocols Backbone design Circuit & Packet Heterogeneous physical layers Heterogeneous applications Security
16 Mechanisms Wireless Cognitive Cooperative Coopcom Viral network Optical P2P DHT Security Self-revealing content Public key/ ECC Manageability High level Abstraction
17 Service/Applications Sensor Vehicle/aircraft Emergency Satellite Energy/power
18 Next Steps Its time to start discussing the FUTURE. ETRI, KT and Samsung AIT will start the works. Success Scenarios Figure out the design goal and requirements Clean-slate designs and meta architecture Prototype, experiment, and testbeds Spiral development cycle