Research Project ”STROI-Network” P 5: Customer Perspective and Marketing Building Trust in Counterweight to Risks in Inter-Organisational Relations of Business Networks in Russia Marina Weck, HAMK
Research Objectives The overall aim of the research is to understand deeper the trust development process as a counterweight to the potential risks involved in inter-organisational relations of business networks in the Russian market. The research comprises the following specific objectives: to identify what are the risks in the inter-organisational relations of business networks, to explore the relationship between trust and identified risks, and to determine what are the preconditions and leaders’ actions necessary for trust-building.
Research Concept Overview Networking Inter- Organisational Relations Inter- Organisational Relations Relation- ship Trust-Building Process Trust-Building Process Trust Risk The context for this research is the distinctive features of trust development process in inter-organisational relations of business networks in Russia
Research Outcome: Model of Trust-Building Process Research objectives aim at developing a model that outlines the trust-building process along the key stages (e.g. Blomqvist, 1982) of inter- organisational relationship development. This model will illustrate the reality providing guidelines for building trust in counterweight to risks involved in IORs of business networks in the Russian market.
Awareness Attraction Interaction Agreement on partnership RISKTRUST Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Trust-Building Process Process Stages of Inter-Organisational Relationship Development Internal Risks Trust Preconditions and Building Actions Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Model of Trust-Building Process
Classifying Business Network Partner Low High Low High Trust Perceived risk in networking with partner
Related Theories The main theoretical concepts that can be applied to the research: Network and Marketing Relationships Theories Interaction Theory (Håkansson, 1982) The Commitment-Trust Theory (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) Transaction Cost Economics Theory (Williamson, 1975) Agency Theory (Eisenhardt, 1989)
Research Design PHASE ONE Literature Review PHASE ONE Literature Review PHASE TWO Internal Risks of Business Networks (RQ 1) Qualitative Analysis Pilot Study (RQ 1 and RQ 2) PHASE TWO Internal Risks of Business Networks (RQ 1) Qualitative Analysis Pilot Study (RQ 1 and RQ 2) PHASE THREE Relationship between Trust and Risk (RQ 2) Trust-Bilding Process (RQ 3) Qualitative Analysis PHASE THREE Relationship between Trust and Risk (RQ 2) Trust-Bilding Process (RQ 3) Qualitative Analysis Validation Hypotheses building and testing Conceptual model development The research structure is divided into three phases as follows:
Research Methodology RQ 1 Relational risks of business network RQ 1 Relational risks of business network RQ 3 Trust-building process RQ 3 Trust-building process RQ 2 Relationship between trust and risk RQ 2 Relationship between trust and risk Pilot Study Research Questions: RQ 1 What are the risks involved in the inter-organisational relations of business networks in Russia? RQ 2 What is the relationship between trust and identified risks? RQ 3What are the preconditions and leaders’ actions necessary for trust- building in inter-organisational relations in the Russian market? Qualitative Analysis Elite Interviews Elite Interviews Semi-structured Interviews Semi-structured Interviews Research questionsAnalysisInstruments