IEEAF Update January 28, 2004 Edward Fantegrossi Board Member, IEEAF ( Chief Executive Officer GEOgraphic Network Affiliates-International.


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Presentation transcript:

IEEAF Update January 28, 2004 Edward Fantegrossi Board Member, IEEAF ( Chief Executive Officer GEOgraphic Network Affiliates-International

New Public-Private Partnership - IEEAF The IEEAF represents one such partnership whose goal is to obtain donations of regional and international bandwidth.The IEEAF represents one such partnership whose goal is to obtain donations of regional and international bandwidth. This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the Global Quilt Initiative.This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the Global Quilt Initiative.

IEEAF Vision: The Global Quilt A Network of Networks, stitched together to create a common single fabric, and shared equally by all. This will be achieved through collaboration and community effort, until it covers the globe. The IEEAF has no boundaries of home territory….. "Non Nobis Solo" (Not by ourselves alone) (Not by ourselves alone)

New Public-Private Partnerships Needed Global telecomm build-out of technical infrastructure provides new possibilities for economic development.Global telecomm build-out of technical infrastructure provides new possibilities for economic development. Current market conditions have resulted in great capacities which are currently going unused -- cannot be sold.Current market conditions have resulted in great capacities which are currently going unused -- cannot be sold. As a matter of social responsibility, this unused capacity could be made available for stimulating future applications and markets -- by donation for use by research and education institutions.As a matter of social responsibility, this unused capacity could be made available for stimulating future applications and markets -- by donation for use by research and education institutions. Public-private partnerships involving government, universities and private sector are neededPublic-private partnerships involving government, universities and private sector are needed We need more synergy and leverage from our currently fragmented investments.We need more synergy and leverage from our currently fragmented investments.

8,000 miles of trans-USA fiber has been donated to the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) through GEO and IEEAF efforts. WHATS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST UPDATE: APAN – IEEAF OPPORTUNITY

IEEAF 8,000 Mile Trans USA Donation with SURA Accelerator Center Univ. of LA Lafayette, LA Rise Center Norfolk, Virginia California Inst. Technology Pasadena, CA Advanced Light Source Berkley, CA Stanford Linear Accelerator Stanford, CA Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab Livermore, CA Idaho Accelerator Center Pocatello, ID FERMI Lab Batavia, IL Argonne Natl. Lab Chicago, IL Indiana Univ. Cyclotron Bloomington, IN NIST Gaithersburg, MD MIT Bates Accelerator Center Middletown, MA Natl. Super conducting Cyclotron Lab East Lansing, MI Los Alamos Natl. Lab Los Alamos, NM Brookhaven Lab Upton, NY Stony Brook Super Conducting Linac Stony Brook, NY Columbia Univ. Nevis Lab Irvington on Hudson, NY Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source & Electron position Storage Ring Ithaca, NY Oak Ridge Natl. Lab Oak Ridge, TN Spallation Neutron Source Oak Ridge, TN Jefferson Labs Newport News, VA Synchrotron Radiation Center Univ. Wisconsin Madison, WI

WHATS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST UPDATE: The 7,000 kilometers of trans European fiber, announced in August, is now in negotiation to be lit as a 10 gigabyte network. APAN – IEEAF OPPORTUNITY

IEEAF 7,000 Kilometer Trans-European Donation DESY Hamburg, Germany Univ. Marseille Centre Physique Particules Marseille, France Louis Pasteur U. Institute de Recherche Subatomiques Strasbourg, France Centre de Recherches Nucleaires Strasbourg, France Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon Inst. de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon The National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics Amsterdam, NL FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics Amsterdam, NL CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneva, CH University of Zurich Physics Inst. & Inst. for Theoretical. Physics Zurich, CH Imperial College Blackett Laboratory Department of Physics London, GB Univ. College London, HEP Group London, GB Univ. of Warsaw Inst. of Physics Warsaw, Poland Univ. of Groningen Groningen, NL Inst. Of Nuclear Physics Prague, Czech Republic National Inst. For Physics & Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania Frankfurt University Frankfurt Germany Hamburg Facility Hamburg, Germany Z-Tech Facility Groningen, NL Inst. Astrophys Paris, France DAPNIA CEA Saclay Service de Physique des Particules Gif-sur-Yvette, France Meudon Observatory Brussels U., Inter-University Inst. for High Energies Brussels, Belgium LIP Lisbon, Portugal CSIC Madrid, Spain CIEMAT Madrid Spain LMU, TU Munich, Germany IFIC UVEG Valencia, Spain SPAWAR Stuttgart SPAWAR Heidelberg

GEO has Acquired More New Assets: 1.A new 10 gigabyte trans-Atlantic connectivity which GEO will use specifically for telemedicine and HEP initiatives strands of fiber from the European Cable Station to Hamburg, Germany. 3.A new 30 million dollar 70,000 square foot tech facility in Hamburg. APAN – IEEAF OPPORTUNITY

GEO HAS BEEN GIVEN AN ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS ASSIGNMENT: Exclusively seek out financially distressed telecommunications and technology assets around the globe for acquisition by one of the ten largest Investment Banking Groups in the world. Exclusively seek out financially distressed telecommunications and technology assets around the globe for acquisition by one of the ten largest Investment Banking Groups in the world. The Group will acquire multiple companies from around the world spending 1 Billion dollars for these acquisitions. The Group will acquire multiple companies from around the world spending 1 Billion dollars for these acquisitions. GEOs technical teams will seek out, evaluate, and negotiate each opportunity. GEOs technical teams will seek out, evaluate, and negotiate each opportunity. GEO will donate to the IEEAF, related fiber or infrastructure donations, from each company acquired. GEO will donate to the IEEAF, related fiber or infrastructure donations, from each company acquired. New APAN-IEEAF planning sessions may likely enable the momentum process toward new donations. New APAN-IEEAF planning sessions may likely enable the momentum process toward new donations. APAN – IEEAF OPPORTUNITY

IEEAF - APAN OPPORTUNITY GEO is committed to the IEEAF Mission and to full support of the APAN- IEEAF Backbone Initiative How can APAN Help? International Demonstration EventsInternational Demonstration Events Cooperations – PartnershipsCooperations – Partnerships Think Tank SessionsThink Tank Sessions How can APAN Help? International Demonstration EventsInternational Demonstration Events Cooperations – PartnershipsCooperations – Partnerships Think Tank SessionsThink Tank Sessions