The circulatory system is also known as the cardiovascular system. It consists of… 3. The Heart1. Blood2. Blood Vessels The three main types of blood vessels are arteries, veins and capillaries. The Circulatory System
Blood does the job of a non-stop courier service - it collects chemicals from one part of the body and delivers them to other parts, for use or disposal. What is Blood made of? If blood is spun in a centrifuge it will separate into 4 parts… What does Blood do? Plasma is a straw-coloured liquid. It is mostly water with dissolved nutrients, salts, hormones and proteins. White blood cells help to fight infection. Platelets are cell fragments. Blood spinning in a centrifuge. Red blood cells make up about 45% of the total volume of the blood
Blood Structure A photomicrograph of a blood smear showing the appearance of blood as seen with the light microscope (1000 x Magnification). A photomicrograph of a blood smear showing the appearance of blood as seen with the light microscope (1000 x Magnification). White blood cells Plasma Platelets Red blood cells White blood cells Plasma Platelets Red blood cells
PLASMA This is the liquid part of blood - it is straw coloured. A.Glucose from the small intestine to the cells for use in energy production. B.Other waste products away from cells for removal from the body, e.g. urea and heat when the body is hot. Its main role is the transport of: Function
These have a nucleus (control centre) and vary in shape and size. White Blood Cells Producing antibodies which help the body attack disease. Their main role is to protect the body from disease by: Function