What is learning? the process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior Learning activity
Classical Conditioning A form of learning in which a response elicited by one stimulus becomes elicited by a previously neutral stimulus
Classical Conditioning Terms Unconditioned stimulus (US) Unconditioned response (UR) Neutral stimulus Conditioned stimulus (CS) Conditioned response (CR)
Classical Conditioning Temporal contiguity Stimulus generalization Stimulus discrimination Extinction Reconditioning Spontaneous recovery Higher-order conditioning
Biological constraints on learning Come up with at least five examples of learned (classical conditioning) reaction patterns from your lives Example: cat comes running when s/he hears the can opener… Biological constraints on learning
Classical Conditioning Events outcomes Operant Conditioning One’s behavior outcomes
Operant Conditioning Reinforcer ↑ likelihood Punishment ↓ likelihood
A Closer Look at Reinforcement Positive reinforcer A pleasant event that follows an operant response, increasing the likelihood that the response will recur Negative reinforcer Strengthens a given response by removing an aversive stimuli
Punishment Positive (“Punisher”)/Negative (“Response Cost”) Not the same as negative reinforcement To be effective, punishment needs to be Swift, sufficient, and certain
Drawbacks of Punishment Punishment cannot “unteach” unwanted behaviors. Punishment can backfire. Punishment can teach aggression.
Shaping Reinforcement of successive approximations to end goal
Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous Reinforcement Schedule Partial Reinforcement Schedule
Partial Reinforcement Schedules
Extinction Learned responses can weaken and disappear In classical conditioning Occurs when CS-US pairing lapses In operant conditioning Occurs when reinforcment is withheld
Spontaneous Recovery Previously extinguished response reappears without retraining In classical conditioning CS predicts US again In operant conditioning Behavior produces old consequence again
Stimulus Generalization Tendency to respond to cues similar to ones we have become conditioned to Classical Stimuli similar to CS will elicit CR Operant Supplying different response to stimulus
Stimulus Discrimination Learners can be trained not to generalize, but rather to make a conditioned response only to a single stimulus. Classical CR is specific to a certain CS-US pairing Operant Reinforcing only specific responses
New Learning Based on Original Learning Higher order conditioning Conditioning based on previous learning Primary reinforcer A reinforcer that is rewarding in itself Secondary reinforcer A reinforcer that acquires its reinforcing power through association with a primary reinforcer
Sensitivity to Rewards/Punishment Sensitivity to Punishment Score one point for each “yes” response for all odd-numbered items Sensitivity to Reward Score one point for each “yes” response for all even-numbered items Scores range from 0-24 Higher scores greater sensitivity
Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Behavioral activation system (BAS) Behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
Observational Learning We can learn by observing a model, without firsthand experience by the observer Observational learning Social Learning Theorists Vicarious Reinforcement
Factors Involved in Observational Learning Attention Retention Production Processes Motivation
Latent Learning Learning happens even when not demonstrated Stored internally Tolman’s rats
Cognitive Maps
Neuroscience and Learning Classical and Operant Conditioning limbic system Classical hippocampus Operant amygdala