ERNET India Education and Research Network of India Education and Research Network of India DILIP BARMAN DILIP BARMAN SR. Manager, ERNET SR. Manager, ERNET
2 ERNET India National Research & Education Network of India (NREN) An Autonomous non-profit organization.
Main Objectives: –Set up and run a nationwide Academic and Research Network. –Undertake and promote R&D in the area of computer networking.
Main Objectives: –Human Resource Development in the area of computer networking. –Content hosting relating to education and research. –Registrar for domains-, &
ERNET Network BackBone network with 15 nos of PoPs all the country. GEANT – ERNET Connectivity. ERNET Network- GARUDA Network. National Knowledge Network (NKN)
ERNET Backbone network ERNET is the ERNET operates through Point of Presence (POP) located at premier educational & research institutes 15 PoPs at various cities of India 400 Mbps of Aggregate Internet bandwidth 100 Mbps connectivity to global research network through GEANT 2
ERNET Network- GARUDA Network –National Grid Computing Initiative - GARUDA –National initiative for grid computing as Proof of Concept –45 institutes connected in 17 cities –2.4 Gbps bandwidth for grid fabric –More than 300 CPU computing resource available in grid
Grid Computing
ERNET Network GEANT – ERNET Connectivity Applications over ERNET-GEANT Link Access to LHC grid for Indian scientist Relay of surgery from Korea & Japan to Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai since Jan 2007 for tele-education Regular DVTS session during APAN meetings on Healthcare DVTS session from Delhi on 6 August08 during APAN-NZ meeting
National Knowledge Network(NKN) Interconnect all National Research & Education Institutes, Leading National Labs, Colleges etc Connect more than 5000 sites across the country Serve millions of end-users + eScience Projects 3-tier Architecture, partially subsidized by National funds: Links national, regional and international initiatives The Campus Network The NREN The International connectivity
NKN Design Philosophy Common Network Backbone like national highway, wherein different categories of users shall be supported To build a scalable network, which can expand both in Reach (spread across the entire country) and Speed (capacity)
NKN Features High Capacity, Highly Scalable Backbone Provide Quality of Service (QoS) and Security Wide Geographical Coverage Bandwidth from Many NLDs Highly Reliable & Available by Design Test beds ( for various implementation) Dedicated and Owned. Connectivity for International & other global R&D Networks
Applications to show cased Countrywide Real Time Classroom (IITs) GRID Applications - Climate Change Modeling (MOES) - High Energy Physics (DAE/DST/Univ) - Health (EYE) Grid (Major Hospitals) - Collab-CAD (NIC/BARC/VSSC) - Open Source Drug Discovery (CSIR) Agriculture e-governance
Migrating present Grids to NKN LHC regional Grid (DAE/DST) – 2 X Tier II CMS & ALICE and 14 Universities Garuda Grid (C-DAC/DIT) – 45 institutes in 17 Cities; partially using NKN EU-IndiaGrid (European Grid) – 9 Indian partners and 5 European DAE Grid (DAE private Grid) – Operational with NKN backbone International connectivity – Geant (100 Mbps, EC+DIT) – TIFR-CERN Link ( 1Gbps, DAE/DST)
SN - EYE CARE Tele Medicine – Diabetic Retinopathy – Glaucoma Tele Education – Training of Nurses – Sharing of Pubmed Database – Current areas of Research Interest Sankara Nethralaya (SN) will act as a Nodal Agency
For further details kindly contact: Mr. N. Mohanram Executive Director, ERNET India. Phone : Fax :
Thank You ERNET India (NREN of India) An Autonomous non-profit organization under Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Government of India New Delhi