Chapter 6 Section 1
Section 1 Classical Conditioning Learning Or Not
Classical Conditioning A simple from of learning in which one stimulus comes to call forth the response usually called forth by another stimulus 2 stimuli have been associated with each other
Does Pasta make Does Lemons? your mouth water?
continued Stimulus-something that produces a reaction Response from a person or animals example-- mouth watering
Pavlov Dogs
Ivan Pavlov Dog started to salivate from the sound of the mental food bowls Used bell instead of mental bowl sound Dog learned to salivate with the sound of the bell alone
Unconditioned Stimulus A stimulus that causes a response that is automatic not learned Unconditioned response The automatic response not learned
Conditioned response Conditioned stimulus A learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral Conditioned stimulus Learned or conditioned
Classical Conditioning Before conditioning Bell Neutral stimulus Food Unconditioned stimulus No response Unconditioned response (salivation)
During conditioning Bell neutral stimulus + = Unconditional stimulus + = Unconditional stimulus Unconditioned response (salivation)
After conditioning Conditioned stimulus = Bell Conditioned response= salivation
Adapting to the Environment Taste aversion A learned avoidance of a particular food Extinction CS (bell) is disconnected from the US (food), the CS no longer causes the CR (salivating) to occur.
Systematic Desensitization Flooding Exposed to the fear until fear is extinguished. Systematic Desensitization People are taught relaxation techniques while being gradually exposed to their fear.
Counter conditioning Fears are paired with pleasant experiences
Section 2 Operant learning
Rewards and reinforcements are similar Operant conditioning ---learning to do something because of the consequence of the actions Rewards and reinforcements are similar
Mouse and lever Quicker until no longer hungry. Reinforcement—the process by which a stimulus increases the chances that the preceding behavior will occur again. Mouse and lever Quicker until no longer hungry.
Types of reinforcements `Primary ---food, water, and adequate warmth –do not need to be taught value of these Secondary reinforcements---money, social approval, attention, grades in school.
Positive reinforcements increase the frequency of the behavior they follow when applied food fun social approval Good grade-college,
Negative reinforcement encourage a behavior by being removed fear, discomfort, social disapproval Ex: food in teeth- floss, hot in sun move to shade, itch --scratching
punishment discourage a behavior by being applied Physical Grounding
Schedule of reinforcement Continuous-every time the behavior occurs (rat always got food) Partial reinforcement- behavior is not reinforced every time. Last longer
Categories of partial reinforcement schedules Interval schedules- a fixed amount of time has to pass before reinforcement is given
Shaping breaking it down- reinforcing the small steps Learning to read, math, riding a bike
Program learning steps are reinforced after each step and the student knows if it is right, or wrong (try again)
Cognitive Factors in Learning Ch 6 section 3 Cognitive Factors in Learning
Latent learning Learning that remains hidden until it is needed
Observational learning Acquire knowledge and skills by observing and imitation others Aggression Speak Eat Play nice with others
Preview Get a general picture /idea of what is covered Flip through some pages Look at some pictures Read some of the homework questions
Question Make questions from the headings Some textbooks have guided reading questions all ready on the front page of each section You could use the homework questions from the textbook also
Read Read with a sense of purpose Use the two column T chart Write down the answers as you read
Reflect Try to make mental images of the subject matter Relate it to information that you already know
Recite Talking out loud to yourself Helps you understand and remember Quiz yourself
Review Relearning leads to remembering Quiz a friend Break up the amount of time that you study Every day before the test Night of test 1 hour-----rest------30 minutes---------rest—repeat Next morning-----1 hours to 30 minutes review