Classical Conditioning Review A young child who reaches out to pet a barking dog is bitten by the dog & cries. Every time she hears a dog bark, she whimpers. UCS- UCR- CS- CR-
Operant Conditioning Learning where a behavior is followed by a consequence (reward or punishment)
Thorndike’s Cats in a Puzzle Box Law of effect- behaviors followed by a positive consequence strengthens behavior & negative consequence weakens behavior
Skinner’s Experiments Operant Chamber/Skinner Box Shaping – reinforce any behavior leading up to the desired behavior Pigeon Ping Pong
Skinner’s Experiments Operant Chamber/Skinner Box Shaping (Acquisition Stage) – reinforce any behavior leading up to the desired behavior Pigeon Ping Pong
Consequences Reinforcement (R)- increases chance behavior will occur again Primary - necessary for survival, such as food Secondary- anything else, such as money, praise, a sticker Punishment (P)- decreases chance behavior will occur again Big Bang Theory Example
R P Positive + Add pleasant stimulus to increase behavior Add unpleasant stimulus to decrease behavior Negative - Remove unpleasant stimulus to increase behavior Remove pleasant stimulus to decrease behavior
Using Punishment to Discipline: Can have unwanted effects (anger, hostility, anxiety) Physical punishment leads to aggression Better to reinforce desirable behavior
Guidelines to Effective Punishment Don’t delay Explain the punishment Use least severe punishment (minimize physical punishment) Follow through
Examples: A rat presses a bar and receives a food pellet. A teenager can’t use the car for a week because she stayed out past curfew. You party all night and get an F. You are caught speeding and are given a ticket by a police officer. Every time the 2 year old uses the toilet his parents praise him.
Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous Reinforcement- behavior is always reinforced Intermittent/Partial Reinforcement- behavior is sometimes reinforced Skinner clip of schedules of reinforcement
FR VR FI VI Fixed- set amount Variable- random amount Ratio- Based on certain # of responses FR FR-15 (reinforcer every 15th response) Paid by the job VR VR-15 (reinforcer over an average of 15 responses, not every 15 Gambling Hardest to extinguish Interval Based on time FI FI-15 (reinforcer after every 15 seconds if 1 correct response is made) Paid by the hour VI VI- 15 (reinforcer over an average interval of 15 seconds) Pop quiz