Formica planipilis ( Thatch ants) Habitat
Queen Ant Male Ants Colony life cycle Workers
The study by Peter Nonacs, PhD Investigates: Total sample size 1199 Ants Size Distance Foraging Habits Data 11 Colony Determine that there’s a relationship between distance travelled by ants and the worker class group Samples were collected at varying distances using traps
Statistical Tests & Analyses One Way Analysis of Variance Assumption Kruskal-Wallis Normality Test: Failed Multiple Comparison Procedure vs < Yes Dunn’s method
GroupN Missing Median 25% 75% < > ( Results H = with 5 degrees of freedom. (P = <0.001) The Dunn’s multiple comparison analysis produce a significant difference for only one comparison (40-43 vs 30) with Q=4.221 and P < 0.05, while the others were insignificant.
Conclusion There is a significant difference in the distance travelled among the varying worker classes. Thus, there is a relationship between the worker class and the foraging distance of the thatch ant.