APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. One Way Delay Measurement in KOREN MPLS Networks Sok-Hyun Jung Broadband Telecommunication Lab. Dep. of Electronics Engineering, Korea University
2 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Experiment Description Objectives of Experiment To measure End-to-End One way Delay through various Transit networks such as Conventional IP and MPLS networks To evaluate MPLS performance Related project We had a grant of foundation of Korean National Computerization Agency Experiment organization Korea University (KU), Chonnam University (CHNU)
3 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Overall Experiment Environment One way delay measurement GPS satellites Transit Networks KU KU connects with CHNU through various transit networks Such as Conventional IP and KOREN MPLS networks In case of KOREN MPLS networks, LSP is set up between KU and CHNU KOREN MPLS network Conventional IP network Korea Univ. (KU) Chonna mUniv. (CHNU) Label Switched Path (LSP)
4 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. KOREN networks Korea Univ. (KU) Chonna mUniv. (CHNU) Constitutions of KOREN ATM switches added MPLS function LER & LSR Functions of KOREN Currently, provides only basic functions such as LSP setup using the LDP (Label Distribution Protocol) and so on. In the future, provides TE, VPN, QoS and so on.
5 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Transit Network 1 – Conventional IP network One way delay measurement Conventional IP network CHNU KU This network is compared with other transit networks such as Packet based MPLS and ATM based MPLS
6 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Transit Network 2 - Packet based MPLS CISCO 7204 Packet based MPLS network CHNU KU CISCO 7505 GSR Router Daejon GSR Router Seoul GSR Router Kwanju Swap Table XY YZ ZX MPLS runs over the Ethernet as link layer protocol LSP is set up between CHNU and KU Label Switched Path (LSP)
7 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Transit Network 3 - ATM based MPLS CHNU KU ATM based MPLS network CISCO 7204 CISCO 7505 (Nortel ) Seoul (Nortel ) Daejon (Nortel 15000) Kwangju (Fore ASX200BX) (RealCell) Allocating New VP Unlike Packet based MPLS, ATM based MPLS makes use of ATM as link layer protocol New VP is allocated from CHNU to KU and similar to LSP
8 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. How to measure ? 1. To Synchronize between two end systems using GPS 2. Host1 sends one way traffics to host2 through various Transit networks 3. Host2 receives traffics, and measures delay 4. To compare measured results for each Transit networks GPS satellites Transit Networks Host1 SenderReceiver AMS: Active Measurement System AMS CHNU KU Host2 AMS
9 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Result 1 : Conventional IP network Table1: One-way Delay Measurement for conventional IP at KU Table2: Ping test for conventional IP at KU One way delay is about 10 msec
10 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Result 2 : packet based MPLS Packet based MPLS network CHNUKU ATM Table3: One-way Delay measurement for packet based MPLS at KU Table4: Ping test for packet based MPLS at KU Host1Host2 CISCO Router (LER) CISCO Router (LSR) CISCO Router (LSR) CISCO Router (LER) One way delay is about 5 msec It is smaller than that of the conventional IP network
11 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Result 3 : ATM based MPLS ATM based MPLS network Host1Host2 CHNUKU ATM CISCO Router (LER) CISCO Router (LER) ATM Table5: One-way Delay Measurement for ATM based MPLS at KU Table6: ping test for ATM based MPLS at KU One way delay is about 3.6 msec It is smaller than that of the Packet based MPLS
12 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Conclusion Delay in ATM based MPLS is the smallest value ATM based MPLS can reduce one way delay, as compared the Packet based MPLS and Conventional IP network Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Conventional IP Packet based MPLS ATM based MPLS msec msec msec Types of Transit NetworksE2E One Way Delay Bad Good
13 APAN 2003 Meeting Broadband Communication Lab. Thank you for your attention !! Thank you for your attention !!