CD-ROMs with Clicker talking books and activities Printed books and a web site to the characters
At level 1, books have 8 pages A page is dedicated to each of the Wobble children
At level 2, books have 12 pages with dialogue Each book is dedicated to one of the Wobble children
At level 3, books have 16 pages All the Wobble children appear in each story
A range of Clicker activities Picture and word matching, listen-and-find activities
Sentence activities Click on words to write them in Clicker Writer
Word activities – can also be printed as flash cards Recognition and spelling of high-frequency words
Question activities Word-based questions and picture-based questions
Story-writing activities Clicker Grids for writing stories based on the books
Make your own books – on-screen or on paper Books are set up with pictures but no text
Use individually or with an interactive whiteboard Because it uses Clicker, it is switch accessible
Firmly rooted in current educational literacy strategies Cross-cultural and based on everyday experiences
14687 N.E. 95th Street Redmond, WA Toll-free: CRICK Telephone: Fax: