TAKING CARE GUIDELINES Sub-title Place, Month Year
Internal usage only 1 Hardware, 010 – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES Scales use Controller board O/Ps for Feed Control (FCE’s) Flow meters use their own on board O/Ps for Feed Control (FCE’s) Set different addresses if more than one flow meter board is installed in a chassis Set different addresses if more than one scale board is installed in a chassis If using two speed control (QiLite only) the Fast Feed is controlled by an O/P on the multifunction board. (user can select which O/P) The FCE should be in direct control of the physical control valve. (via Material Path selection matrix) The EthernetIP interface is not active by default. It must be enabled and then its IP address set.
Internal usage only 2 Architecture, TAKING CARE GUIDELINES The Qi Ethernet network must be physically separate from the admin and plant control network. (VLAN is sometimes acceptable) Do not rely on an Ethernet Switch to separate network traffic. Note the correct way of wiring the Qi O/P Controller board O/P1 is associated with ScaleA Controller board O/P2 is associated with ScaleB etc
Internal usage only 3 Designing a Cluster, 060 – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES Each scale or flow meter is counted as a channel in the Qi database Each material that is added is a Material Path in the database A discharge from a scale is also a Material Path LIW, discharges and flow meters have “Destination Channels” which MUST be entered correctly, the default value will not work. Draw up a table with a row for each MP. The number of columns is up to you depending on how many parameters you feel like listing.
Internal usage only 4 Suggested sequence of events: Setup and configure all Scales and Flow meters Assign unique IP addresses and Matroller numbers to each QI ! Build cluster and assign master. - Tip: master can be the least active Qi in the cluster. Short feed enabled, if required. K1 & K2 limiting, if required. Add channels and configure according to suggested defaults. - Tip: do not skip any installed Scales or Flow meters if possible. (recommended) Add material paths and configure according to suggested defaults. Gotcha !! Any LIW or flow meter based feeds MUST have the correct destination channel entered! Tip: perform initial configuration with Qi in Setup mode Tip: editing most channel and material path parameters can be done while in Run mode, BUT NOT WHILE THE QI IS BUSY FEEDING. Configuration, 070 – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES
Internal usage only 5 xxxxxxxxxxxx Sustaining Performance, 080 – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES
Internal usage only 6 Commissioning, 090T – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES Make sure that the material is reset before the very first feed when commissioning a material Spill and Flow limits must be very wide initially Use Spill Only algorithm when first commissioning a material Spill and Flow limits must be reduced once you have a good idea of where the material will stabilize Use the “Material Transfer Check” screen to start test feeds independent of the host controller. (optional) Check the status if your feed will not start. Check that the Matroller is in Auto mode if feed will not start. Use the “Material Transfer Process” screen to check your feeds !!! Check that all SIX of the Spill and Flow limit blocks are GREEN !! Check that the block: “Last Material Transfer Status” indicates a successful update. Do you need to “Enable Short Feeds” ??? (yes if you expect feedtimes of less than 8 secs.) Have you enabled K1 and K2 limit checking ?? (recommended.. But you must know what your normal operating ranges are first!!)
Internal usage only 7 Optimizing, 110T – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES The following parameters are important and should be optimized and/or checked on a routine basis. (in relative order of importance) “Min PAC” flow thresholds Spill and Flow min and max limits. “Dump Trip Point” threshold. (If too small feed may not complete) “Zero” and “unstable scale” flow thresholds. “Draintime” (normally only after commissioning or experiencing noisy/unstable scale ay end of feeds)
Internal usage only 8 Communications, 120T – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES ControlNet is enabled by default EthernetIP must be enabled and its IP and subnet mask entered. Qi does not support DHCP The Assembly slot is the Channels indexed position in the Cyclic data to the host controller. (Assembly slot number is found on the Channel config page) After sending a Command always read the Command Status. The Command Status MUST ALWAYS be made available to the operators, especially when the Status value is > than 5. The AIM is optional code which simplifies interfacing to the Qi Matroller The AIMse can be used to simulate a large cluster of Qi’s Commands must be sent sequentially to the Qi. If a Channel is busy feeding you cannot send another command to that channel Monitor channels toggle bit, if it stops toggling disable material feeds Monitor channelOK status bit, if it turn Off, disable feed and abort any feeds using this channel
Internal usage only 9 xxxxxxxxxxxx Maintenance, 130 – TAKING CARE GUIDELINES
Internal usage only 10 Agenda Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 - Sub-section Sub-section 3.2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6
Internal usage only 11 Title Bullet level 1 - Bullet level 2 Bullet level 3 - Bullet level 4 Bullet level 1
Internal usage only 12 Graphical Elements (1/2) Market conditions improving, sales growth expected to pick up in the next 2 quarters: Sub-title 1 Bullet 1 - Sub-bullet Sub-bullet 1.2 Bullet 2 Sub-title 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 Optional conclusion box Source: XXX
Internal usage only 13 Graphical Elements (2/2) Text Box Main colors Value Chain 1 Value Chain 2 Text RGB 204/102/0 RGB 102/0/153 MT-grün 51/153/0 RGB 0/39/159 RGB 102/102/102 RGB 153/0/51 RGB 253/153/0 RGB 102/204/51 RGB 51/153/255 RGB 153/153/153 RGB 204/51/102 RGB 255/204/153 RGB 204/204/255 RGB 204/255/153 RGB 204/255/255 RGB 204/204/204 RGB 255/204/255 RGB 255/255/204 RGB 255/255/153 RGB 255/255/51 RGB 153/102/255 Main colors MT color standards