Fellowship Program Committee - 18 th APAN Meetings Jie An Cairns
Outline Cairns Meeting Fellowship Program Bangkok Meeting Fellowship Program Others
Cairns Fellowship Awarded Totally 36 fellows awarded CN- 6 GE- 1 HK- 1 KR- 4 ID- 1 LK- 4 JP- 1 TH- 4 NP- 2 IN- 3 PH- 1 MY- 2 PK- 1 BD- 4 SG- 1 Acturally 30 fellows here CN- 6 KR- 4 LK- 3 TH- 4 IN- 2 BD- 4 HK- 1 ID- 1 NP- 2 SG- 1 JP- 1 GE- 1 Notes: –3 NRW remote speakers and some cancellations. –6 recommended fellows: IN SG PH KR LK CN
Cairns Fellowship Budget Revenue -APAN Funding USD 5,000 -Last Meeting Balance USD 6,740 -APAN-JP Donation USD 3,000 -APAN-AU Donation USD 2,000 TOTAL: USD 16,740 Expenditure (Estimated) -Registration Fee USD 135 * 30 = USD 4,050 -Lodging USD 3,810 -Allowance USD7.5*7*30 = USD 1,575 TOTAL: USD 9,435 Balance USD 7,305
Bangkok Fellowship I Estimated Funding: –Cairns BalanceUSD7,305 –APAN USD5,000 –AP* Retreat SecUSD5,000 –Other Donations Total:USD17,305 + Estimated Expenditure per Fellow –Registration fee: <USD100/person –Accommodation: USD10/person/night –Allowance: USD2/person/meal Total/person: USD160 (5 days and nights)
Bangkok Fellowship II Assume the total: 35+ Network Research Workshop ??? Each Primary Member: 1 X 13 = 13 APAN-AU, APAN-CN, HARNET(HONG KONG), APAN-JP, ANF, APAN-MY, SingAREN, APAN-TW, ASTI (PH), LEARN (LK), APAN-TH, BAERIN(BD) Encouraging more from each AP economies Exceptional fellows
Selection Guideline Network Research Workshop speakers will be invited by Network Research Group and awarded by the Fellowship Program Primary member fellows are recommended by primary member chairs Flexible award transfer internally and externally Acceptable exceptional award and done by Fellowship Program Committee, if urgent, FP Committee chair can make the decision If primary members gives up, those awards will be discussed within FP Committee.
Fellowship Program Funding Regular Funding APAN USD 5,000 Other donations by primary members Try to get more funding from other organizations Keep amount of surplus for next meeting
Other issues Modification of application form Simplification of fellows local arrangement Others