Group I-Strategy for Enhancement of Crop Production


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Presentation transcript:

Group I-Strategy for Enhancement of Crop Production Dr. M. Rajendran I.A.S., Director of Agriculture, Tamilnadu

Topics covered Paddy Millets Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Sugarcane Mechanization Extension Crisis Management Credit Organic Farming Water use efficiency Fodder cultivation Others

States Participated Meghalaya Andra Pradesh Nagaland Assam Oddisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamilnadu Tiripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Andra Pradesh Assam Chhattisghar Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Madhaya Pradesh Maharashtra

Paddy Agro Climatic Zone Wise Varieties recommended in Paddy and Pulses During Kharif – AP Paddy Community Nursery – Bihar Area expansion under hybrid rice – Chhattisghar Line sowing of Rice, SRI - Chhattisghar DSR in rice being promoted - Haryana Hybrid rice of coarse varieties – Haryana Hybrid Rice 50% subsidy - HP, UP Subsidy to replace old varieties - UP Gypsum MN mix at 25 % - UP Use of Farm Saved seeds and Drum seeder - UP Paddy Terrace Cultivation - Nagaland

Paddy contd… Dry seeding, summer paddy - Assam Direct seeded rice -Jharkhand Use of DAP Urea Bricklets - Maharashtra Hybrid rice cultivation - Oddisha SRI 40% coverage, Cono weeder 90% subsidy – MP Scented Hybrid Rice - MP Zero Tillage of Rice - WB Community Demo for total technology - Tiripura Express plan approach – Food grain Mission - TN SRI Whole Village concept - TN

Millets Popularizing foxtail millets under rainfed conditions 60 – 65 days, Rice fallow ragi where pulses not possible - AP Promote single cross hybrids for higher productivity in Maize -Jharkhand Promotion of quality protein maize and specialty corn (baby corn, pop corn and sweet corn) - Jharkhand Hybrid Maize 75 % subsidy - J&K Rice area to Irrigated Maize - Haryana Hybrid Maize 1.5 lakh Ha 90% subsidy to SC/ST - MP Hybrid Maize - Rajasthan Massive Millets promotion program through promotion of traditional agro products announced by Hon’ble Chief Minister – Rs.10 crores - TN More area under irrigated Maize – TN Productivity enhancement by use of millets / Maize boosters - TN Centre of Excellence for millets established - TN

Pulses Redgram on rice field bunds & Rice fallow pulses with 2 critical irrigations, inter-cropping of Redgram in cotton and Groundnut - AP Arhar/ Urad on Rice bund - Bihar Promotion of summer moong - Haryana Cultivation of arhar on rice bund – Chhattisghar Provision of Dal mill - Nagaland System of Pulses Intensification – Pulse village concept - TN Redgram cultivation through transplantation - TN Planned to evolve pulses procurement policy as that of Paddy procurement. - TN

Oilseeds Improved Jhum Cultivation – Mizoram Intercropping of Redgram in Soyabean – Maharashtra Reduction of SRR to ensure quality supply of Soyabean seeds – Farm Saved seeds encouraged – Maharashtra Cultivation of Sessame on rice bund – Chhattisghar

Cotton HDPS ( High Density Planting System) in cotton - Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Cotton Cultivation Mission - TN

Sugarcane State Advised Price at Rs. 301/-, 295/- and 290/- for Early, Mid and Late sown varieties (one of highest in the country) - Haryana Ring Pit System being promoted - Haryana Intercropping of vegetables in sugarcane - Haryana Sustainable Sugarcane Initiatives (SSI): comprehensive production technology -TN

Extension Special web based application was developed with important features such as .. (Gujarat) Facility of online application in local language. Dual mode (Farmer/Beneficiary & Implementing Officer) accessible system for establish transparent system. e- tracking and monitoring system of whole process i.e. Application to Award of benefit - Gujarat A Crop pest surveillance & advisory project CROPSAP - Maharashtra Integrated Farming System on District Saturation Model – TN

Extension contd……. Krishi Samvad magazine Free of Cost in all the villages – Haryana Timely agricultural advisories through Mobile SMS in Hindi highest in India (more than 63.13 Lakh) - MP (TN – 1069 lakhs and stands first in the country) Voice SMS based grievance redressal mechanism for efficient service delivery location specific SMS 65 lakhs . MP Seed Growers Co-operatives formed for augmenting availability of certified seeds. – MP Extension support through skype and whatsapp -Rajasthan

Extension in TN FARM CROP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IT Gadgets used in FCMS Specialized software - Crop Doctor to deliver on the spot pest & disease remedial measures – in all Panchayat Union Online Billing system introduced to track the beneficiaries and to ensure transparency in input distribution

Extension in TN Contd… 1.63 crore agro voice advisories delivered 10.69 crores customised and location specific text SMS on technology scheme, weather forecast and market trend given to farmers – Pushed by Block Level Extension Functionaries Distribution of Farmers’ Integrated Hand Book’ to all farm families GIS mapping is taken up in six priority blocks in six selected pilot districts

Crisis Management Train the farmers in mitigating the risks of natural calamities like drought, floods, hailstorm etc.-AP Community nurseries will provide requirement of Paddy seedlings in the event of occurrence of flood. Farmers of flood prone areas are being motivated for community nurseries.Assam

Crisis Management contd… Mitigate Change in Climate - Bajra/Arhar/Madua (Ragi) - Bihar BBF technology is important tool helps in dry spell to conserve moisture as well as to drain out excess water in heavy rainfall situation. – Maharashtra Separate Mission for Dryland farming - Maharashtra Precise Weather forecast & effective dissemination -Rajasthan

Mechanization AP-Established 462 Custom Hiring Stations Yantra Laxmi (Farm Mechanization Exhibitions - AP Agriculture tool kits to Agriculture labour :- Agriculture implement kit costing Rs. 42000 to a group of labour, will be distributed - Chhattisghar 225 Nos of custom hiring centers Rs. 10 Lakhs per center– Chhattisghar Gujarat is the first state offering intelligent rationing of power supply where villages get 3 phase power supply 24*7. – Gujarath Farmers get 3 phase uninterrupted power supply at 430-440 voltage for 8 hours according to a strict and pre –announced schedule. - Gujarat

Mechanization contd… 139 villages have been developed as Yantra doot Gram (Fully Mechanized Villages), where farmers are encouraged to adopt mechanized farming. Phenomenal increase in all crop productivity. – MP Custom hiring Rs. 10 lakhs per Agro Service Center - Oddisha Provision of Mini Rice mill in rural areas - Nagaland Creation of Mini processing unit in rural areas Nagaland 100 custom hiring centers - Jharkhand Oil extraction units in production areas Nagaland Power tiller distribution, - Assam End to End Mechanization - Maharashtra Custom hiring – Sikkim

Credit Interest Free Crop Loans under The Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act - AP Pathar Parichalana Samities (PPS) have been geared up for field based planning to increase production & productivity. More than 25,000 PPSs have been formed so far.-ASSAM Augmenting credit through KCCs (100% coverage by March 2014 targeted (5,30, 718 cards issued) J&K KCC issued to 58 lakhs out of 71 lakhs - WB Crop load at zero percent interest - MP

Organic farming Green Manure seeds Moong + Daincha - Bihar Distribution on green manure seeds to farmer at 80% subsidized rate – Chhattisghar Creation of Vermi-compost Unit – Chhattisghar Organic Agriculture farming - Nagaland Green Manuring - Haryana Organic seed production and Certification – Sikkim Green manure and Vermicompost – MP Organic Rajma and Buck Wheat – Sikkim

Water use efficiency Promotion of Underground Pipelines (UGPL) – Haryana Installation of water storage structures e.g G-nap tank and permanent structure – sikkim Sprinkler and Micro irrigation – J&K Drip Irrigation in Cotton - Haryana 150 Villages selected for farm pond, Rs. 3 crores per villages - Maharashtra 12 L.ha under MI – This year 3 L.Ha – Maharshtra Water conveying pipes sprinklers and farm ponds – Rajasthan 102000 water bodies created - WB Precision Farming - A site specific crop management concept promoted on cluster basis TN Precision Farming / micro irrigation TN 70000 farm ponds taken up under MGNREGS - TN

Fodder crops Fodder crops are being promoted under Accelerated Fodder Development Programme - Haryana

Others 90% subsidy for pesticides, 100% seed treatment – Jharkhand Bringing fallow lands under cultivation 2.25 L.Ha deep plowing at 50% subsidy - MP Ridges and furrow at 90% subsidy – MP Crop diversification plan for 4 years - Tiripura